Show Every very Spaniard a aNoble aNoble aNoble Noblet Noble 0 students of ot human manners It will willbo willbe t C bo be 10 Interesting lIng to that tho ho N I lofty courtesy courtes of ot the Spanish people r ris Is III due to the fact tact that each purebred native of ot that sunny lend land considers him coif self a n noble nobl While of ot course nil alt aro oro not granted to wear n 0 title lItie still each ench P Spaniard Is deemed of ot noble birth If It bo be bobus behas has bus kept I ept his pedigree e clear of or with nay any but such as no unTO burro also maintained the Spanish blood Intact lutne This belief b lIet has hns a n sound und historical basis In tun tho fact that when the tho Moors Moore were J driven from Spain the tho Spanish people that lint Is 15 tho the ruling class from which the Spanish of ot pure puro blood of ot today arc are dc de descended all fought against the Moors Moor and nil all were vero of ot a military caste And when the tue Moors were finally driven n out of ot Spain there remained besides the pure pureblooded blooded Spaniards a n great hordo bordo of or mixed I br bt heeds ceils ce ls So 80 It was decreed by the Crown that every purebred Spaniard woo was an on aristo aristocrat ar aristocrat to tocral crat cral and a n member of or the noble classes Only anI such were for tor titles and could hold bold any of ot the tho great court H HAll All Alt such were vere declared Dons Doos and the title of ot Don or master applied to l lall all Spaniards regardless of ot any other titles he might ml ht possess and thus every cIery Spaniard w au a 0 nobleman by virtue of or t this his bis blood 5 Thin curious situation continues In force to the present day Of or It seams as Ca It If there thero would he be many Individuals who could claim pure puro blood but In 10 real reality ity It ther are ore few tew families not of or wealth and Importance that cnn can actually do this thisby thisby by br authentic documents Yet Yot such Is III necessary U iry to Insure recognition rl o as os n 0 pure purebred purebred purebred bred Spaniard It U fe I needed to produce documents for tor many generations hack back Including birth i certificates and marriage records r rd AB As AIa a n matter of or cold fact filet there hero are arc nr but few tew such Guch Spanish families which In addition D to their unsoiled descent do not nice also own wn some title Also many Spanish nobl with titles would barn to admit that they tueY hara hlo Intermarried with other than tuan the tho pure blood Still thorp there are aro enough of o tho the pure pureblood pureblood pureblood blood Spanish without wit bout title to provo prose too tho historical value of tho ho fact tact that tUII t every purebred Spaniard I ls la n a member or of the tho aristocracy and n a noble by birth If It not e by a distinguishing title It Is all the tho themore more when It Is realized that lint Spain Is Js tho the only o l country on the globe whore such lIuch Is the tho case ense |