Show SILVER WEDDING Mr r and Mrs James H Jones en about one ono hundred guests at nt their home in Hooper Utah Fri Friday day liar In celebration of or their twenty wedding anniversary The were recipients of oC many ninny pieces of silver The Tho homo was W 5 beautifully decorated with silver and tinsel Tho tables were elaborately spread with season teason seasonable able delicacies and were tastefully arranged After time the bounteous repast the tho re remainder remainder of f tho the evening was sas merrily spent Tho The features of the evenings en entertainment were a welcome address by br James H Jones response by bj let letwin ci win Parker songs by 11 Mr iI and Mrs Airs Jones which they tho aang sang on their well wedS wedding ding tIny day years ago a letters of greeting from their son Charles who Is on a mission In Eng England England land music and songs lIongs by hj ii Mr and Mrs Ramsey of or Provo I The oldest brother of the tho groom from Crom Provo Prove and his sisters slaters Mrs AIrs rs Holli tIny day dl and Mrs ills oC of Salt Snit Lake Lako also relatives and friends of Ogden und ond Hooper were present All ex expressed expressed expressed pressed a desire to be present at the golden goldon wedding event of oC years hence |