Show THE ROMANCERS The Romancers is 11 i to be ho produced Friday evening at tho Fifth Firth Ward Vard Amusement Hall It Is 18 a play pIa or of o dainty sweetness s and antI high comedy corned There are two fathers a loving pair I of oC hearts a gardner and a painter The Tho fathers Cathers desire nothing more than that and und marry ono one another so BO being wise fathers they resolve to give to tho the young people that which they thc ardently long for a romance Accordingly they hire eight men and aud a sedan chair ot of o tOe the painter Ho engineers a false Calse abduction I tion from which rescues his love Next they pretend to be mor more mortal mortal tal enemies and forbid their children to even oven speak to one another This command makes it necessary for or lov loving lovIng ing conversations to be held secretly behind the wall nIL After Arter everything has been arranged however the fath fathers fathers ers erB have a real quarrel and spoil it all alt by showing jho to the bill that the painter has sent them for Cor tho the men and the chair Accordingly she sho and break the engagement The fathers refuse to pay p the tho paint painters painters ers rs bill since the engagement is brok broken en antI and tho the latter I Lter In need of or money concludes that thal he himself must bring about tho the marriage Ho He sets to work and after many interesting and very ory amusing actions and words brings about the desired result |