Show WEBER COUNTY SENATORS Wo Wt o have no thanks to extend to the ho two senators from front this county that the tiac liquor bill passed paused the senate They rhO fought with nil the tho tactics t at their command to defer all ali liquor legisla legislation tion I lou until It should bo ho too toe lato late to 10 pass any fin measure lucy were almost equally Insistent that no legislation to tho the railroads should DC be pa Jd and were more about the latter If over ever any an one was entitled to 10 DC nc taken care caio ol of o by b tho the liquor men anti and the railroads these two men inell certainly are and If Ir they tile tho arc not there lucre Is no ito noa a thing as is In this his t world As for our they tile dc IC auie our thanks and our political care cute if I they over ever need it H should cx ex lend t lo to their futuro future welfare I |