Show STAGE NOTES hoary Honry Arthur Jones Joncs play pIny Dolly Doily Doll Re Reforming Reforming forming Herself Is drawing crowded houses In London Miss Kershaw has been en engaged engaged for the tho leading lending feminine part In InThe inThe The Tho Battle with wl h Wilton A young comedian named Joseph Kane Kano 1 haa has taken the tho place of oC tho lie halo lato Gus Rogers with Max Rogers and has haa proved a n success Besides Dorothy Donnelly Donnell The Tho Sins t of Society will wilt Include In Its cast I Louise Closser Halo Hale Bijou Fernandez t tr W r L Abingdon lon and an Leslie l cenyon enon When Whon hon Phoebe Davies Da les finishes her present season In Way Wa a Down East W V J Hurlbut author of oC The Fighting t Hope will wilt write a new neww play piny for tor her Robert Hilliard la Iq a to bo be starred by b Frederic Thompson In a play pia called A Fool Thero There Was by b Porter Emerson I Browne A new melodrama Is IB called Just a I Womans Way Va I ITom Tom Lewis of o Little Johnny Johnn Jones Jonea 1 fame famo Is iii one of oC the tho leading lendIng In George M 1 latest hit lilt Tho I Yankee Prince |