Show FLORENCE ROBERTS SUNDAY APRIL 4 John Cort will present Floronce at the Grand Giand on Sunday S April I 1 under holder conditions that Insure a highly highl agreeable n treat tient Miss Itoh erts crts appears this season In a now nov play pill b by Sc Seymour called 1110 llio House of Bondage and aud aut in n It Mr ir Cort tort I seems to ha have o procure I tor the tb tat a I I tr S 1 P Kf I 41 g 1 I I fl Y t M C t 1 Div Y Yi ty v 1 i r c i iy y V r fa S Sf 3 f r 1 y J 5 c rv w ww i 4 Y F FC 1 w Tat C r 1 ts L L t r alt tin J 1 I r CIG V i r t t r Jrr f l a r It t I t r r r ri k r 4 i K tt rn s1 kr r t CO d I C l FLORENCE ROBERTS AT THE OR AND SUNDAY APRIL 4 i j jr ju jt i r u aa aar r t 7 Y h v opted star blai a play platy intensely interest interestIng ing although presenting a problem I that seems to hit lilt critics and amI aud audiences audiences lences differently But jut after arler all that thatIs thatIs Is the tho of the problem play and the th doubt tit nt the linal curtain as to whether the outcome of ol an intensely human struggle will or will not happily Is simply a matter mattor of the view MOW that audi amli auditor tor lakes of life lire A critic In Mil Milwaukee III waukee while declaring tho the play pIa so 80 realistic that many man went to see it tt twice still HUll complains because ho he said that It sought to Justify divorce An equally talented scribe in SL Paul ap op proved of the tho theme but LIll was sorry th that it the audience was WM left lort to speculate I II late at tho the finish All agree how however I ever eor that tho the play pIa Is la one that Is post poal 1103 thep lIvel absorbing In its I theme while r clothed In language that places Uber mer on a piano with as us is a n writ writer er or of smart epigram and an with Au Augustus Augustus Augustus gustus Thomas as a constructor On Un the whole Tho ho House of ot bondage o ois is ib apparently apparent destined to lo more US dis and therefore bound to cre create create create ate more Interest than any or of the tIle now plays pla s Mr Mir Cort tort has bas sur sum rounded Miss Roberts by a company of great greot merit including Arthur ArLhur l 1 oi or orrest rest est Thurlow Bergen Ann ton loll Mary Bertrand Hallet Ballet Bosworth and Harry GIbbs 1 i j rb JIll a k f c A L 4 g 1 j L j r I i v Na A r f J P r 1 V I t ds y J Jr y r y s Gr Gr y r t r 0 d 1 1 r FLORENCE ROBERTO ROD R i S 5 AT THE HE GRAND OR R AND M D SUNDAY APRIL 4 r Ji ji fT L r rL w j vw i L |