Show I CAMPFIRE BY 6 tie A R LARGE NUMBER HELP SWELL BENEFIT FUND Interesting Program of Musical Num Numbers Number bern bers and Addresses Addres e Followed by Banquet The Grand Army campfire supper given hen by the lie ogan post of Ogden last ast evening was a ver very or pleasing affair and the lie members of the post are well wehl pleased plc Aed with the tho results The enter entertainment was for the tho purpose of rals rais Ing ng a 1 fund for members member who ulio are aro ar Ill III or in need of help About GOO COO people tOok ook dinner which means that n a fairly good sum of money moner was wa realized won was a large attendance at the tha unction most moat of oC whom participated at athe atthe atthe the he banquet Aulde Aulda from com the tho supper slipper given there thero was rendered an interestIng program consisting of or speeches RI and musical renditions The fhe program given was wasas wasas as ns follows Overture O Ogdon High School or orchestra orchestra chestra Song AHle Allie A Gunnell Address Comrade C W wr V HalIc Ogden High School orches orchestra orchestra tra Address Rev j E a Carver Song Louis Lyman Piano Selection Ramie Son Marching Through uli Georgia Mr MI Ramie Bomb lc and he lcd guests i I I t iL |