Show SET DATES FOR GROUSE SEASON SALT LAKE Aug 5 The 5 The open season for sage hens and grouse In Utah has been set from August 23 to September 5 5 Fish and Game Com Coin Commissioner missioner David ld II 11 Madsen Madzen an an- announced announced an- an flounced Thursday Four counties are set aside as sanc anc for Cor the birds shooting being prohibitive in Uintah Emery Carbon and Iron counties while the section of o Juab county east of the range of mountains that separates Nephi val al val val- alley ley Icy from Dog valley and Ferner Femer val val val- ley Icy is also closed to bird hunters No shooting Is allowed allo ed in Tooele county In all aU counties the season on mourning doves will extend from September 1 to 5 5 The limits are arc as follows No more than eight sage hens or grouse or more than eight of o both varieties per day mourning doves IS 15 The season limit on sage sae hens and grouse is 12 |