Show Theatres The articles under uDder this head head- headIng trig Ins are furnished this newspaper per by the publicity depart depart- departments ments meets of the theatres A wireless wi cless equipment which In Includes In In- Includes eludes earphones at each patients patient's bed and loud speakers in the staff l' l rooms roos has been installed at Victoria infirmary Glasgow Good GoodNews News for Thrifty Housewives now DO every Save RIGHT i I woman who bo likes mo NOW HOW the choice melta meats an o 7 save by taking money on oni these i sc two advantage of oC the fact Clet delicious meats meals that this is a great ham horn hamand i and IDd bacon ba a n year rear We urgently recommend mend that you yon buy more of these full full-flav full ored meats meata now no selling sellin at t special saving levels Nutritious and tasty ham him and bacon furnish abundant nourishment in an 0 appetizing way y Practice thrift thrift buy buy for value Ham and nd bacon give you extra utra value now DOW THE MEAT TRADE RADE 4 a and an Bacon Tested recipes recipes-at recipes ts-at ts at your sour own I store store free Ask for them i t thIs la 15 M My V VI BUSY BUSY- I i DAY DAY o f 1 9 I 0 II 1 r 1 Im I'm comfortable leI I had some light crisp Kelloggs Kellogg's Corn Flakes and fruit for breakfast p You bet Im I'm comfortable tl to 10 1 full Kelloggs Kellogg's are full of f delicious flavor And so ao easy they digest Y het help p you keep cool and fit tit Serve with 1 milk or cream cream and and add fruits or o r honey Made by Kellogg in i n Battle Creek Oven fresh in I n the sealed inner red green red and green package Imitations fi cuno C cannot t equal such wonder flavor Demand r y t l the e g genuine a u ine lne At hotels hotel grocers restaurants re on inera ner Sold by b all 1 r rC I COR C NFL FLAKES A K E S SJ J tt kl i W 1 CORry I i t t j. j r I tit 1 L 0 YOU are dlf both hoth Buyer Br uy r er era a IGL IGGI y l C tl i iI I L L Tz I i I Buy only what you want Buy only that which you t yourself can sell yourself No one to urge you to buy other than that which you actually wish to buy Extra Fine Beet 10 1016 b. b Cloth i. i Bag c Butter Oquirrh h hN g Creamery Ib lb PINE N- N Hillsdale 2 2 1 Can Broken Broke n 19 APPLE Slices Can e i Vanilla BARREL SNAPS NA EJ Ginger Lemon Bbl Bb Tuna Tuna Fish Star No White 12 2 I 1 7 1 III I I ICan Can c Soap Oil Toilet To Creme Cr I 0 Bars Maple Ma P le Leaf I Brand I 2 1 Can i WATER WATE ae All Ripe j u MELONS Average Age l 16 1616 ge lb Ib A 4 A I G. G Grapes Thompsons Thompson's Seedless s e I I IThompson's rapes 3 Ibs lb iii I I PARK YOUR CAR CA at the rear of our new store 2235 Wa Wash Wah h. h Ave Entrance Enhance from Kiesel Klesel Ave Plenty of Room Leave It As Long As You Wish I II I KERNS KERN'S BAKERY i I Maple Maple Nut and Chocolate Nut Cakes kes Regular Sunshine and Angel Food Cakes Regular Cookies dozen 2 dozen Same Prices at Kerns Kern's 2459 Wash Ave o PUBLIC MARKET IN NEW WIGGLY STORE 2237 WASHINGTON AVENUE Pot Roast Lb Prime Rib Roast Rolled Lb Hens Fresh Dressed b d Lb Frankfurters Lb Picnic Hams Su cures gar d Lb Sliced Bacon Lb 37 c cHams Hams Eastern Sugar cured Lb LD 27 c Lard f White Pure hite 2 LA 11 LiC CA 1 Avoid I Safe Chicken Ic en Milk I of the l and Diet Sea For Infants Children The Aged Aed AgedA CSC Diet tit t. t a to be take sure some A well balanced tempting easily as assimilated as- as tt food drink that nourishes asB B I U h I II p and Taken hot at night it i brings refreshing sleep CHEESE Instantly prepared in water or milk milk- u R Take Tako a package home I p go O O f Just Plain Straight Stra ight Business Busi ness Our organization avoids the of advertising copy We try to give the public facts fach just as they are and we have too much f respect for the Intelligence of readers of our ads to follow any other system When any goods or facts advertised by us are not per cent as advertised we stand always ready to give money back with a smile Picturing ourselves as exalted angels and our competitors as blackened sinners would not make our goods prices or service any better yet we couldn't expect to gain the good will and confidence of the public by us In propaganda SATURDAY BARGAINS r WHITE 1 KING Per I large rge package c. c 10 bars White King Bar Soap 35 Bring your White Whito King coupons to our stores for redemption 10 bars Flake White Soap 1 bar Jap Rose free 35 ri pound 48 48 pound bag old wheat hard wheat PI r FLOUR high patent 1 65 2 No N- 21 cans ns Crushed or r 4 PINEAPPLE 1 1 Broken Slices Ul 45 C Cl 2 medium cans fancy sliced Pineapple 23 25 i l No 10 can called gallon crushed Pineapple J j No 10 can broken sliced Pineapple 79 APRICOT JAM TAM Ma Many y were disappointed because of the high price of apricots We are offering a No 10 can called gallon of pure jam no apple at a price that thatis I is much cheaper than home put up fruit 1 in No 10 can called gallon pure Apricot Jam tp PUTTED Full Fu quart Mason jar containing PEANUT BUT DUl BUTTER TER more than 2 pounds each 45 C SARATOGA SATO AR GA CHIPS 1 deviously deliciously Fresh made crisp in Ogden pound 35 C Fresh soft assorted Marshmallow COOKIES C 2 pounds for 39 C DEVILED D MEATS o cans a P G R K AND D BEANS B 3 cans medium d tor 7 3 large bottles for 45 B R fTH CCO 3 small bottles for 25 2 C Tall Ta medium can ean OLIVES UL IVES f j ii fancy noe ripe 19 10 C 12 2 bottles Imported Queen or Stuffed Olives 29 J DAD ft AT Geisha or Blue Pine fanciest solid white U AL CRAB CRA 1 MEAT FEAT HI and rose meat can 35 c cABA The wonderful deep sea shell fish fine for ABA t I OME n soups or salads 2 can for 25 C 2 cans choice TUNA A light meat 35 C 2 cans fancy fancy SHRIMPS ry pack 29 20 C 2 tall cans solid 01 pack fancy SALMON Rc Sockeye 55 C 2 tall cans medium red Salmon 45 5 2 tall cans pink Salmon 29 Maple Leaf Salmon large flat can 43 2 small cans 3 large oval cans Tomato or Mustard Sardines 35 4 small mall cans Sardines ardines 19 J COFFEE t 1 high pounds grade Folgers Folger's s 48 C 1 pound United fresh ground bulk Coffee In parchment 39 2 large cans delicious delicious CORM 1 Golden Bantam L jj 29 C A 2 cans tender sweet PE PEAS 1 extra sifted LJ J 29 C WAX AX BIA 11 dS tender 3 large out cut cans cans' cans 29 C Large can I IThe TUI TOMATOES pack lOt 10 The above are exceptional prices to stimulate summer canned goods business PAPER PAP I nl Ell ER PI 1 PLATES Handy n 3 and dozen cheap for for camping and pic pie 25 c Tall fancy a etched Ice tea tumbler filled I t v ith ith high TEA grade Tea tea it BUTTER B Best fresh high hiah creamery grade pound 41 Til 41 r C 10 pounds d Extra Fine SUGAR in cloth bag a DOL DOLor or Thousand Island new shipment of 1 Q MAYONNAISE NAISE high grade half pint pins 19 l lt t C Pint jar Mayonnaise or Thousand Island 37 Quart jar s high grade Mayonnaise 69 q a We guarantee that you will be well pleased with the delicious avor avor and quality of line of dressings A high grade quick cooking cocoa put up in a square COCOA i Mason quart jar that can be used for fruit when empty 1 pound of cocoa In each jar per jar i 29 C 3 pounds fresh bulk Breakfast Cocoa Solid red e Sweet Angelinas f i S MELONS A BANANAS NANAS 3 Fancy pounds firm for tor ripe 3 25 C CIN I IN OUR MARKETS B Beef f R Roasts rolled rime Prime or rib 22 ee rump Ib lb C VI Vea R Roasts oasis best beat f Shoulder t cuts f r 17 1 ea Ib lb 15 and c cV V I S with Breast th pocket 1 0 Oc j ea Ib lb I. I c Mill Milk Lamb loin Legs and Ib lb Choice light eastern astern Bacon whole or half tt n 32 c Ib lb I Fat Hens Lb Springers Lb UNITED Cash and Carr Carry Stores 2212 Washington Ave 2432 Washington Ave 2584 Washington Ave |