Show SOLITARY ENTRANT WINS 1250 1200 RACE MONTREAL Aug Dy 5 By The As As- Associated Press For Pru-For s. s For the first time In Inthe Inthe inthe the history ry of horse racing at Blue BlueBonnets BlueBonnets BlueBonnets Bonnets track the Kings King's plate with 50 guineas added the gift gUt of his maj mal majesty esty the king was a walkover er today Sa enay owned cd by Norman Mc- Mc McFarlane Farlane was the only entrant and simply made the round of ot the course I With 1000 added by the track the owner of collected the tidy sum of ot 1250 In return for tho the formality formal formal- formality formality ity of ot entering his horse horae In the race lace tace which Is restricted to Quebec bred and owned horses three years old and andr upwards w I |