Show NEW TRIAL DENIED SENTENCE IMPOSED Motion for a II new ne trial in the case of the state against Ben Den Dawson bar bar- bartender bartender bartender tender at the Healy bar 10 Twenty- Twenty fifth street who was found guilty Wednesday on a charge of liquor pos pos- possession p possession s- s session was denied by b Judge John A A. A Hendricks In city court today toda At At- Attorney Attorney Attorney torney A. A E E. Pratt presented arguments arguments arguments ments for tor the motion Dawson was vas sentenced to tt pay a fine of and to serve 60 days In to the city Jail Stay of execution execution execution tion on the sentence however was granted until Saturday afternoon pending the filing of appeal papers Appeal bond was fixed at 50 Chief argument of at Attorney Pratt for a new trial was based on the courts court's permitting the report of at the analysis analysts of the liquid made by Dr John O. O Lind of Weber college to be entered from his written remarks De De- Defense DeI De- De Defense I ense counsel argued that Dr should have ha been In court cout to permit cross examination Judge Hendricks held that the written report made m de by Dr Ik Lind was satisfactory The liquid in evidence was wrung out of a towel to ton el |