Show IV Von on Elm Anxious to Retain National Golf Crown Dempsey Predicts Kayo ayo In Next Bout Bo Ut Utahn Plans to Stop Gene Tunney Early Makes Training Plans LOS ANGELES Aug 5 By 5 By The Associated Press JaC Jack Dempsey today predicted he would regain his heavyweight title by knocking out Gene Genfi Tunney in their bout at Chi Chi Chi- ago cago September 22 u In making this r declaration Dempsey Demp sey ey revealed hith hith- hitherto erto undisclosed details of hi phy phy- physical C condition at atthe atthe the time he lost his championship to r Tunnel Tunney at Phila Phila- delphia f If U f you jou ou had felt Zelt I as rotten as BS I did didt t when hen I fought Z Tunney last Sep Sep- September er and as asgood asgood l U M ant J good as I did d against Sharkey Sharkey- and feeling better the farther I went you you would appreciate why I feel so confident of o pulverizing Tunney The former champion said that the day before the Philadelphia bout he weighed pounds A sudden Ill Illness ill ill- illness ness caused him to lose 10 pounds overnight An three pounds was lost before he entered the ring Floyd pal palo of oX the former champion said uld It was the news of o Dempsey's Illness that leaked out of o the Philadelphia commissions commission's office that provided the to bet bet- bettors bettors tors tore which sent Tunney mey money soar soar- Ing Dempsey's true was not announced from rom the ring Dempsey Demps today telegraphed his business manager Leo o P. P Flynn to obtain a training camp within 20 or 25 miles of Chicago It first was proposed that Dempsey train at Battle Creek Mich but Jack spiked this because Battle Creek is ismore Ismore more than miles from Chicago and nd he said It was as unfair to news news- newspaper newspaper newspaper paper men who would b bo 00 forced to toch chase ch from one headquarters to an an- another an- an other The chief requisite of his training quarters Dempey said would be proximity to a golf gol course cou e. e Golf GOI as a game of timing plays a large lare part in his hl training tr scheme The boxer sees a great similarity In a short well eU timed swat to awat the pin and a short well timed swat to the liver Although the Improved condition of o his wife vUe Estelle Taylor will permit her leaving for Chicago with him August 15 Dempsey ey said neither she shenor shenor shenor nor Mrs Floyd Fitzsimmons Fitasimmons who will accompany her will see the chain cham championship fight They will remain in Chicago go throughout Dempsey's training tr train train- ln- ln ing irig period Dempsey's dally daily workout here con con- consists J sLots of alternate mornings of road roadwork roadwork 1 work vork and golf gol Every other day he i works arl out In the private gymnasium of a film studio I |