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I 01 j r j STOP MAN NO r THA HATI F Tl nei H devotion d on to his wit was w unquestioned toned wY 1 until File Ft cst cast tho tho beautiful Price c in n his hi path His resulting n med mad I adventure d flu it S I told in S But I Wai Wu Married in September c True Story Sto YOU DO THIS ho cried Helen Imply at him en expression of both leer end half upon her lace From Sitter in Scandal in scandal Foster F oster Dale broke brok hi his en engagement WHEN to o the tb beautiful 1 Ii Helen len en Bradford the whispering tongues es began bee gan I r SCREAMED SCReAM fD but to wag Butth But the ereal real shock came me when he hee he ho d d me m. b. b back Laura Lura was content with wit witha a brought modest md and simple r il for luxury end sudden gey times prosperity sudden suddenly married Helens Helen's sister Margery argery f r nr My r is the startling story of a reckless tirL Helen H I departed quietly for N New York Dur Dur- During Durose Dura t a ing In the months that th t followed M Margery's hE life S with Foster was supremely happy They y were I r The Th e Most M ost Gri Gripping Stories cry ery er much in m in lo loe loeI e. e I A ri t- t tr r I Then Helen returned more returned more be beautiful more Are tire Those Th i nose ose of or Real Life Lr tid n it it ue ire a attractive than ever Had d Margery arg not been I t so 50 completely absorbed a bcd m irs her h own lazy care care- carefree p fT HERE HEis is so 10 much of real ro romance d f free ft existence ri she would have ha noticed the rd cud sud sudden 2 J real adventure real and comedy oh d d lif den new interest te her husband took in in her beau beautiful in life that the tragedy r in imaginary i 1 sister Little did 1 she 0 realize that it was wu characters and events of fiction seem hd J iner io largely gely her own o. o fault tame in comparison u. u So Margery Mar permitted herself to remain bliss bliss- blissfully The stories tones d this thu hi on are ax t 4 typical n of the p fascinating dramatic d r page mm- mm fully w unaware of 0 the h growing g intimacy InCY that tin tives of real lif life that appear every 1 month menaced her happiness In But Bu when hen she h awoke aa in in Tn True Story S to the truth there h ere began hegan an amazing g drama that tha thaI t I I In l the tLe th po pages of this thu great t publication hlin was as to end nd it in in n chaos chao wreckage ge and bitter biter re remorse re- re e- e eI 1 Vi ill S human h experience u La seen at its but boot and its morse mor for th them m all i S u worst lu Its writers writ have ha tested the heights w ii of and an d have plumbed the 3 d depths This Thi wife wife's a startling rt r Ing story entitled en clod Sisters I u t of despair pili In in Scandal is is io 0 one n of the most m heart h cart gripping gripp n jj f F- F I In Irs baring th use tho innermost n nom secrets secret of their roost most powerfully moving narratives nar t IVes of real we life souls the th great lessons I of life are taught ever ver printed It complete with ap appears pears ly IJ s more convincingly more interestingly y more other big b g features rea tuft in m in September True rue Story dramatically than would b be possible n J many other way uy I If you TO are u. not no a regular reader du cf T True U. U Use h the Coupon cupon if Y You ou Cannot Get C S Story bITho The September m issue will i chow you True T rue Story at Your Y Nw ou have boon been mining It contains M 16 thrilling heart features f The price MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS I. I Inc I I u is only a quarter r Your new has it Street Strait end nd Broadway d Nw Ia York City I h. h 1 t become with Trae Starr 14 Se September Pints dO came ta to 1 tb B b with the r 1 I am II M la full I In III the More I ot c. c ud we jou oae eo r the S cT at I i r ri U e C S t. t o rv I T ie n d Sale late C in ii t the 7 1 World orld U. U tta S. S BETTER SHOES 2473 WASHINGTON SINCE 1888 t Important Saturday Features in the S r- r SEMIANNUAL SEMI SALE SALES Slippers s I. I j 4 4 4 4 4 4 for 4 A 4 4 Slippers regularly priced E Every T r el J 5 6 6 to 8 8 S in a prolusIon profusion of or 4 lovely lovel styles High or Cu Cuban 4 Occasion ban heels See windows S Patent colored kid or Q j VI 4 combination co effects in 4 4 strap ties pumps pump or or 0 ox ox- oxfords fords at wonderful MV- MV 3 1 v- v I 4 S S. S logs S. S 4 4 S 4 4 Featured Saturday y S 'S 4 4 at 4 4 S 4 S 4 4 4 Women Women's Section Section Main Main Floor 4 4 S 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 Saturday Two Dollar Sales Thrift Section SectionS Section'S S 'S Downstairs rs I Hundreds S S of Pairs for fir Blonde Kid t.- t. r- r For Children High Illch heel blonde or grey grey tl I Strap slippers and sport aport ort kid kid strap or lie tie styles oxford patents tan or ore All sizes z 3 to S 8 Former and d combination OT I ona effects eW tz Sizes prices e to 6 While they an 9 a to and 13 to 2 last last last- Shop early M Children Flat Heels Barefoot Sandals Cuban or flat heel Honda blond Barefoot sandals and kid three eyelet ties tics All AH play oxfords la In tan or orl Sizes lizes Ires 24 to 7 7 Get In S l patent leather Every I early sarly for these theu at at- at pair guaranteed to give satisfaction satisfaction- OO S 2 Shoes Bathing S Patent Leather I New ew shipment of or the then thess I Cuban or or high he heel I nov nov- novelty smart bathing slippers slipper city elty patent strap slippers suppers Crepe sole Bole style In red for tor women omen and growing growing- green blue or 01 black black- girls All sizes sices Thrift Section II II High High- 6 6 6 6 6 6 Grade 6 6 Many ay Baker Baker L Jh Johansen Models N Jod ci s styles formerly priced 10 19 6 to 1350 are Included in I 6 Reduced educed i. i tremendous 6 spa spa- cial cIa I. 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