Show BANNOCKS AX OCI S NEXT EXT The Gunners and Bannocks should stage a sensational series at Pocatello o next week This series may decide the Issue Insofar as the second half ha championship Is concerned Just take t. a peep at the U-I U league standing Any Anyone one of the six sis clubs of the league has a chance to win the bunting during durin the final drive 1 Ham lIam Berger Derger leading home run hit hit- hitter ter er of the circuit In three contests this his week has failed to sock a homer hom r. r Salt Lake and antI Ogden contests Saturday Sat Sat- Saturday Saturday and Sunday should play to ca capacity ca- ca capacity capacity houses Art Kinney looks like the pitching guess for Ogden Saturday with Pete DacHa Daglia as the choice for the Sunday contest The fire lire engine of cas- cas castie le tle tie Ireland has been offered as a aidle idle to the local museum |