Show Saint r Sinner Ive failed tailed you ou dear I haven't mads made you ou happy happy and and I promised us both that I would Bob Dob said drearily throwing himself back upon Faiths Faith's pillows and letting his arms op laxly from their clasp of her body bod- Faith had been crying but that jerked her h r up short made her hersele seize sele his shoulders while her frightened voice pleaded Oh Bob Dob Dont Don't say that Of Ot course youve you've made me happy Why darling derling I never what hap happiness happiness was until I married you listen to me Bob But But it If youre you're happy hapy dear his went on tiredly why do you ou cry so much Why do the little things the absurd everyday liti misunderstandings wound you so terribly You dont don't look happy and nd it must be my fault Im I'm Ear sor sorry Earry ry r Faith drew away from him slowly Iy then then sank EanIe down dow beside him hint iy- iy i tag ing In very cry straight streight and andery very ery still dill for a long minute before she spoke I L think dear she t t last lat in a careful slow voice that she unsuccessfully tried ta to keep from om sounding sad that we v are aro only going through the adjustment period that all married couples have to live li through A woman especially resents the slow slow slow-or or sometimes quick quick passing passing of ro ro- ro- ro mance No wife wants to be a wife only she wants to be her husbands husband's mistress And so all the little things the tiny insignificant things that point out to her the gradual change in the quality of her husbands husband's love hurt her in in- intolerably intolerably tolerably at nt first until first until she learns to accept marriage for what it i Is 1 and make the best beat of ot it Do you see darling Bob stirred and sighed deeply I 1 suppose so honey But Ill I'll be darned if It I can see any difference In my love for you Im I'm craz crazy about you OU darling darling darling- But Dut the casual touch of my hand han 1 no longer thrills you I can kiss you while youre you're reading and you scarcely look up up- up To save her life me she could not keep the tears out of her voice But good grief honey a man cant can't play the lover every hour o. o of his life me at home Bob protested It isn't normal for tor a man to be amorous all the time time time- Oh Bob theres there's no use talking if it you thought I meant that What I meant was was that that with with Cherry Cherry you ou seem brighter more interest interest- interested ed cd more eager You dont don't take her for granted as you do me me- me What I take for lot granted Faith Bob interrupted her sternly is that you are my wife that it is isyou isyou isyou you I am working for you will wil wilbe willbe willbe be the mother of my children I married marled you you not not Cherry because I love you not you not Cherry And Im I'm not going to have you making us both miserable by being jealous of ot your sister Now kiss me me dar darling ling hog Dont Don't think any more morel Con Con- Contrary Contrary Contrary to the popular idea Ive I've found that women do ci far too much thinking Kiss me TOMORROW The happiness of reconciliation and of shopping for a lovely dress Copyright 1927 NEA Service Inc 9 I 4 ITHE I II I THE ANSWERS I II I I Here are the answers to the intern Intelli Intelligence gence test printed today on page pae 3 1 The I-The The house of representatives alone may impeach a federal official 2 The The senate alone may try Im Impeachment Irn- Irn cases 3 The 3 The chief justice of the supreme court or a e. supreme 5 court justice ap appointed ap- ap appointed pointed by him presides at an im Im- impeachment Impeachment im- im impeachment trial 4 The 4 The territories of Alaska Ha Ha- Hawaii HawaII Hawaii Philippine islands and Porto PortoRico PortoRico PortoRico Rico have American governors 5 S-A S A simple majority is a 3 quorum in both the house of representatives and the senate 6 calvin 6 Calvin alvin Coolidge is president pre of o the Red Cross but John Barton Payne is the active head 7 Friday 7 Friday is ie the Mohammedan Sabbath 8 8 Phlip Phlip Nolan is a character in inthe inthe inthe the novel The Man Without a Coun Court try by Edward Everett Hale 9 New 9 New York Pennsylvania Ohio Michigan Indiana Illinois Wiscon Wiscon- Wisconsin sin and Minnesota are the states touching the Great lakes 10 The IG-The The liver is the largest larest gland Sl nd in the human hUI body |