Show I f EDUCATION EDUCATIONS EDUCATIONS' I i. i S' S k AND j t HEALTH I ei L j The health of the young men and 1 women of today It II of value vatu Education and health go 4 hand In hand along alona the path of ot progress A well will have more vitality and power to win lucce than an Invalid Safeguard your health hulth for It la price Ie II Have HavI those thou old decayed teeth j I and removed at once They are unclean and breed germs germ l This Is II the Ideal Idea time tires of year for 4 dental dent service dont don't don't dont Wilt welt for tor the ly cold blasts of winter to drive you Into a dental office DR A J J. J FOUTZ All Al Reasonable Work Prices Price DR H. H Bo B FOUTZ Good Coed Teeth Maintain M Good Health Hulth Guaranteed Guarantee Better Beller Dentistry I Bad Teeth Cause Disease M NEW NW METHOD DENTISTS 2463 Washington Ave Painless Pom Extraction of Teeth Phone t L r a I Shoes tv ri-tv r 1 i Uie pan pan- ari more than another eO dJ cL name for shoes Some men tell you you how well they wear others how well wd Bostonians are made But all agree agree agree- Bostonians have a distinctive style sti e. e A character that gives you youa a a jaunty ja nty I air each time you step out in them t em j Wrights T Mens Men's Shop Shop 1 w ij i I J ro |