Show SMAll BOY IS TRAIN VICTIM Brothers Driving DriY ng Cows to toField toField toField Field Unable to Save Baby LEHI July 30 Joseph Joseph Hicks 2 year old I son of Mr ana and Mrs nits Roy CHicks C C. Hicks living next to the Salt Lake Route tracks half hair way between here and American Fork was Instantly killed today when struck by a fruit express train SEEN SEIN TOO LATE Mr Hicks' Hicks two t older sons SOn Mar- Mar MarIen Ien and Darward Hicks aged 11 and 9 respectively dally daily drive the cows to pasture over the railroad tracks timing the trip after the passage of ol the passenger train about The boys had just got the cows across the tracks and heard the special train coming They I ey saw the baby had fol fol- followed followed lowed them but were unable to reach him before the train struck e TRAIN THAIN HELD It is f believed ed neither the tho engineer nor the fireman saw the child as the engine is said not to have whistled The train continued without stopping being held at Sandy for examination when word of the accident was telegraphed tel tele- tele telegraphed graphed there |