Show I Salt Lake Lak Society I SALT LAKE July 30 Mr and Mrs irs A A. O. O Mackenzie announce the engagement of their daughter Mar Mar- Margaret Margaret Margaret garet to U Allen Varley son of ot Mrs Catherine V. V Astin The wedding Is Isto IsU isto to U take place early culy in September The news of the betrothal of Miss Mac Mac- Mackenzie Mackenzie Mackenzie kenzie and Mr Astin will wUl be received with a a. great deal of ot Interest by the many friends of the young youn couple The elect bride-elect is ii a graduate ot oZ the University of Utah uta and a member me ber ot o othe the Delta Epsilon sorority She at attended attended tended Columbia university last year and was given gl literary honors The bridegroom also is a graduate of the University of ot Utah and a member of the Phi Pi Phi and Sigma XI Ira fra The wedding promises to tobe tobe tobe be one one- ne of the Interesting nuptial events of the late summer Mrs MrS' Nell Neil ODonnell O'Donnell was the hostess at a. a a delightful luncheon Friday aft aft- afternoon af t at her hex home East Sixth South street in compliment to Mrs Frank Byrne of who ls is is' the guest in the city with her daughter Mrs 11 S S. S OBrien The guests were seated at one oner large table and two small sm ones The large table held as asa asa a 3 centerpiece an amber crystal bowl filled with Shasta daisies Jade green candlesticks held amber candles The ne small tables were centered with am sin- amber amber ber crystal candlesticks candle holding lade jade 3 de degreen green candles banked with daisies Covers Cov rs were laid for the Mesdames Byrne M. M D. D Falk H. H C. C OBrien O'Brien L LB B B. B Paul Devine J. J E. E Dowd R. R E. E Mark Paul DeBouzek s. s s.E. E. E Whitley D D. J. J Laramie James De De- Devine vine A A. E. E Winter r. r A. A A A. A A stallo T. T Foley H H. Major Frank Brown Lewis Lewis' and Miss Marguerite Devine Following luncheon bridge was en- en Joyed S S Miss Danella entertained at ata ata a delightful buffet supper Thursday evening a at at- atthe the home on Twelfth East Eat street In honor of Miss Dorothy Bacon and Miss Catherine Harvey brides of late summer Oar- Oar den flowers In the pastel shades were used for the decorations of the living rooms and the hostess was assisted assisted- by her mother Mrs D. D I N. N and Miss Rosalind Twelve guests were bidden S S S A beautifully arranged luncheon luncheon was presided over Wednesday after after- afternoon afternoon afternoon noon by Miss Louise Covey at II t the Country club followed by bridge in honor of Miss Mary Catherine Mc- Mc McGurrin Gurrin of San Ban Francisco who is the guest for the month of July of Miss Juliet Browne at nt the Browne home on Twelfth East street The guests were seated at one long table that was centered with a basket of flame colored sweet peas combined with feathery sprays of The following guests were bidden Miss Miss Beth Sands Miss Miss Eleanor Eleanoe Walsh Miss Janet Walker Miss Mary Joy John John- Johnson Johnson Johnson son Miss Crete Dillon Miss Marlon Marion Story Stol Miss Dorothy Lynch Miss Helen Keyting Miss Winona Winn and Miss Sarah Moyle Movie S S S Mr and Mrs Thomas Griffin and Mr and Mrs George Har Har- Harris Harris ris na Smith entertained at a delightful buffet supper Wednesday evening in inthe Inthe inthe the Griffin home In Haxton Place in honor of Mrs George Heintz of Brent- Brent Brentwood Brentwood Brentwood wood Calif who Is visiting her mother Mrs Rachel Miller The ver ver- veranda verandA veranda anda was decked with wicker baskets of blue delphinium and Shasta dais dais- daisies daisIes ies lea and supper was served in the gar gar- den The guests Included close friends of Mrs Heintz Miss Hoppaugh was the hostess and Miss Genevieve Fosbinder of Hollywood Cal the honor honor- guest at ata a prettily arranged tea given Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday day afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock at the Hoppaugh home on East South uth Temple street The living rooms were gay with garden flowers and in the dining room a 0 pink and OrchId color scheme was chosen The tea table held for a centerpiece a basket of pink and orchid butterfly sweet peas and while at atthe atthe atthe the corners comers of the table were sliver silver candleholders that burned orchid tapers The hostess and honor guest were assisted by Mrs A. A A L. L Hop Hop- Hoppaugh Hoppaugh paugh in receiving and the following young girls were in the dining room Miss iss Hildegarde Thompson Miss Ev Ev- Evelyn EvI Ev- Evelyn I elyn Reeves Miss Juliet Browne Miss vs I Dorothy Lynch and Miss Mary Cath Cat Catherine CathI I erine McGurrin Seventy-five Seventy guests were In attendance S S S I Mrs A A. B. B of British Co Co- Columbia Co- Co lumbia-is lumbia lumbia Is the guest of her brother broth r Ernest nest Gayford at the Gayford home on Third avenue during the absence ab ence of Mrs Gayford and Miss Dorothy Gaylord Gayford In Europe Mrs Gayford Gaylord and her daughter are visiting relatives lu in London and early In August Miss Gayford will leave for Spain where she will wUl spend several weeks Miss Muriel Gaylord Gayford another daughter will Ill arrive Saturday by airplane from Los Angeles for a three weeks' weeks visit sIt with her father and aunt and will return by airplane about the middle of Au Au- August gust Mrs A. A H. H Davidson presided over overa a prettily arranged luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her home on First av avenue av- av avenue avenue in honor of Mrs George Heintz of Brentwood Cal Cat and Mrs Rachel Miller mother of Mrs Heintz with whom hom she is spending a fortnight The table was centered with a low bowl filled Tilled with nasturtiums in shades of orange and scarlet Covers were laid for Mrs Heintz Mrs Rachel Miller Mrs rs Sam M M. Parker Mrs Edward M. M f. f Andres Andrea and Mrs P. P O. O Perkins Miss Maude Worlton presided over overa a daintily appointed bridge tea Tues rues Tuesday day afternoon in honor of ot Miss WS Elaine Elaine- Stevenson and Mrs James Keyson formerly Miss Bernice Brain given at atthe atthe atthe the home of MIss MUs Worlton's Worlton sister later Mrs Clair CIBIr Marcil Senior 1615 Yale avenue A wealth of garden flowers formed the decoration of the living rooms The guests were Miss MUs Stevenson Mrs Keysor Mrs Mra Dell Den Sessions Mrs Reed loll Holt Miss Ferol Crane Miss Miriam Horsley Miss MillS Margaret Margare Patrick Miss Helen Astin Miss Emma Edward Miss Helen Knowlden Miss Evelyn Bird Miss Bonnie Daynes and Miss Ethelyn Lindsay The hostess was assisted Id entertaining b b Mrs Senior Mrs J. J announces the marriage of her daughter Geneve to E. E T T. Harrington The wedding took pia place co Monday evening at at- atthe the home of the brides bride's mother mother- on F street The Immediate members of the families and Mr and Mrs J J. M M. Dunlap were In attendance Following the cere cere- ceremony ceremony mony the young couple left for Idaho Mrs Dave Cummock Cum mock and Miss MUs Ellen Banks were the hostesses ho at a bridge party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Cummock on Third East street in honor of Miss Gladys Rowe owe a popular bride Sweet peas in inthe Inthe inthe the dainty d pastel shades were ar arranged ar ar- arranged ranged throughout the house The guests included Miss Rowe Miss Al- Al gla gill Gibby Miss Mary Ellen Hyland Miss Frances Hitchcock Miss Mabel Green Orcen Miss Leona Jones Miss 1153 Joyce Joce Miss Lotus Ivory Miss 1155 Mary Kohorst Miss Ethel McIntyre and Mrs Viola Rowe S S S Mr and Mrs Thomas O. O Griffin and Mr and Mrs George Harris Smith will give a buffet supper on Wednesday evening at the Griffin home in Haxton Place In honor of Mrs George Heintz of Brentwood wood Calif who is spending a fortnight with her mother Mrs Rachel Miller in the Dorius Dorlus apartments Mrs Heintz Is ie en route to the east where she will enter her eldest son Bert at Exeter New Hampshire for the corn com coming cornIng coining ing year Mrs Heintz was formerly Miss Margaret Miller and will be wel wel- welcomed welcomed corned by many friends Those bid bid- bidden bidden den will Include close friends of the honor guest S S S Mrs Homer F. F Robinson led by her son Homer C. C Robinson Mrs Milton of Seattle Wash and Miss Jeannette Lambrecht re returned re- re returned returned turned Monday from a motor trip through Yellowstone national park S S Dr and Mrs Claude R. R Shields en entertained en- en entertained entertained at a delightful reception Thursday evening at their home on East Seventh South street in honor honorof of Dr and Mrs J. J J Edwin Scobee whose marriage recently took place In Santa Rosa Calif and who will make their home in Salt Lake A wealth of hi garden flowers were used for Tor the dec dec- decorations decorations orations of the living rooms The host and hostess and honor guests were ere assisted In receiving by Mr and Mrs J. J E E. Scobee In the dining room a pink decorative scheme scheme- was carried out The serving tablets table was centered with rose colored rose colored verbenas verb nas snap snap- snapdragons snapdragons snapdragons dragons and Columbia roses Silver candleholders held rose pink princess candles and the dining room was in charge of Mrs Arthur Lewis who was assisted by iS Miss Miss' Ruth R th Scott ott Miss Miss Ar- Ar Ar I I I veila Quick Miss Dorothy o Lewis and Miss Billie Sharp During the eve eve- evening evening ning a musical program was given by Mrs Scott Jones Mrs J. J V V. Buckle and Miss Violet Thompson One hun bun hundred bundred dred fifty guests gu were bidden Captain and Mrs O. O A. A Mulkey en entertained en- en entertained entertained at a prettily prettily- arranged but but- buffet buffet fet supper at the officers' officers club at Fort Douglas Thursday evening In compliment to U Captain and Mrs Harold L. L Egan and Mrs Roy Lynd Low bowls bode of orchid and nd pink sweet peas were used for decorations of the serving table and the guests later at attended at- at attended attended tended the dancing party given on the pavilion In honor of the reserve of officers of- of off fleeTs f cers who are stationed at the gar gar- rison Ninety guests were bidden to U Uthe the the supper S SS I I |