Show TINY fiNY NATIONS STILL AT WAR TECHNICALLY Y WASHINGTON ASHINGTON July 30 By By The Associated Press War Press War still exists exists- more or less less less-In in Europe The oldest republic In the world San Marino Is In a state of hostility hostility ity with Austria and has been since the Italian war of ot independence Independence independence dence in 1859 1359 Similarly the Isle hale of Man has not made peace with Russia since the Crimean war in 1854 San Marino Is la one of ot the small small- smallest smallest est republics l In the world W having g a population fo fol of f 8 Established b In Inthe i Inthe the tenth century century- It enjoys cover cover- eighty over 32 square miles on the top of the steepest mountain In the Italian peninsula That has been respected for years by popes and kings and even the thc mighty Napoleon Occupying Its Us mountain top with witha a n sheer drop of 2437 2431 feet on one side San Marino has always felt safe from Invasion although its army aimy numbers only 1200 men and nd its artillery consists of ot one 75 mm field piece presented to It after the World War by the King Kine of ot Italy Its gun has never been fired since no matter how it might be pointed the shot would land in foreign ter ter- territory territory ry rl and cause International com com- The Isle of ot Man Is the lozenge- lozenge shaped Island which has plenty of room In the Irish sea being 33 miles long and 12 miles wide It enjoys enJo's virtually the status of a do do- dominion dominion dominion minion In the British common common- commonwealth commonwealth commonwealth wealth Through Its legislature the House of or Keys It formally fol fol- followed followed fol- fol followed lowed England In declaring war on Russia In 1854 and its population then about enthusiastically did its bit bit Since then the House of Keys has never seen fit to end the state of war |