Show LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES ES NOTICE OF INTENTION otto Notice is i hereby given Iven by thu board of lun rs u ut ul City of f the Intention of CC tC nuin un luen turl of ut to tv make mak tho Ua e J la to-t to lo To 10 cUI eu of or lull capacity tu with will wll the thu lle I C sary ary eary manholes manhole wyc and all au h things necessary conary lu w cm pie pIes Ihu thu whole In u a 1 and Mid id work work- rk Ilko 1110 manner ma and to the lie same lu tv the Lh Lb present sewer m o ot oC City on r enty lys Street strett net between Hurl lUril- on and anI lay Taylor lor avenue ave are avenue I I. I nue between 1 seventh awl an twenty ty lW eighth I l. l avenue between uIt nn fourth am at and Thirty sixth fets and be between e I Iten tween t en Itrel and ald u a 1 jr 05 feet reet north of ot the north norh line lne i thereof laId bald lewen shall be constructed c 01 ol vitrified I or yr concrete e each c of oC the c foregoing i lo to cb be submitted let Lu contract lr ore ora or l 1101 lide ld and the Lh contract lu tv be le awarded for the lowest lost loy Ct responsible res bid ld for the type of to lo bu le ed Id by the ol of IC commissioner In better ewer So Nu o. o lit ISI All Al work urk Is Islo I lo tJ L' L Lo Le done according lu to the th plans plana jl and profiles on n file fUe te In Inthe Inthe Inthe the office of ot the tho City Engineer And lu to t. t defray the tho portion of the Die cost and 1 expense IVol thereof by u local thu the blocks k luel assessment upon u Iota lota blu I. I Jr le 0 of ut land lad or VI real estate to lo be bo b or VI benefited by said 11 Improve Improve- Improvements Improvements ments ment within Blocks Dok I mid Ind 4 t. t Highland Addition block 6 f. f 5 Oak Va OakCrest Crest Cre t Park ark Addition Additon Blocks I. I 2 2 and nd Argonne Aronne Park Addition Block IS 16 1 IUt Pia t C Clocks t 1 l. l 3 3 4 to 6 f. f 6 6 J. J and 10 II Franklin Place Addition and Blocks I l and 2 Mill Mi Creek Addition all al In Ogden Oh n City Survey ulcy also alo part pul of ot the Northwest Quarter One Ol of ot See See- 34 Township C 6 North Range Cans na 1 I West nest Salt halt W Lake Lak Meridian M d United e Stabs Slates Survey Purvey uley fronting or 01 abutting on on or ur adjacent to the ant end and avenues above named and to the tha en en tire Ira depth back and al all wIthIn the thO district dl bounded a on the north h o ny Marilyn Mariyn Drive on the east eastby eastby by hy MarIlyn Marln Drive and Taylor avenue on oil the iho south louth hy by ninth twenty and ind Kershaw street and on the wes wesby wet west westby by hy Harrison avenue a also lO bounded on the north by Twenty seventh street on In tho the east cast by Jackson Jacklon avenue on the south by eighth fenty street and on the west vest by Quincy avenue also ailo bounded on the north by ly Thirty Thirty- Thiry fourth street on tho the east by Wash WashInton Washington Inton ington avenue and find road on tho the south louth by Iy ly Thirty Thirty sixth sixth street and andon andon andon on the west est et by hy Lincoln avenue a nue also bounded on the north by Thirteenth street on the ea eaU eaSt t by b Washington Wahington avenue on the south hy by h fourteenth street nue and on tho the west by Grant ave avenue av The grand errand total cost of said ald Im improvement provement is estimated at lt The he estimated cost per front or lin hn- cal eil foot toot of abutting property properly for said laid al s is 1 All Al protests or objections to such Improvement or to the carrying ou oit of or such Intention must he presented t o In writing wring signed by the owners owner o of abutting property de describing th the same together with wih tho the number o or of abutting front feet tet and be filed Wed with wit wih the City Recorder on or 01 before th the day ray or of August Au 1927 The Bo Board rd of or Commissioners at t It Is its first regular meeting thereafter to wit wit the day of ot August 1927 27 wl wi will consider the proposed ru 10 1 levy and hear hei and I nd consider l such titI protests protest or objection tion to lo 10 saId sud sa II Improvement as shall aha have o h hlen been en math Inadi By order of nf the hoard Board of ot sinners or of Ogden City Utah Dated Diled July Ith 1927 W. W J 1 CRITCHLOW City Recorder By Dy ANNIS A I B ft B. BROWN Deputy First publication July 1 1127 1 27 lat Last publication Aug 1927 Published In Ogden Olen Standard Standard-Ca- Ct- Ct amber Sewer Sen er District No III 57 i AUTO GLASS GLSS SUB SEI s US UM FOR FOB AUTO GLAhS GLAIS GLA M MAl Al Mi U kinds of 01 glass Klai Ilau work n a specialty ll Cl GI S CO Washington Ave Ave Phone hone l It I t l BOARD AND ROOM MOD 1 JI J rooms rom good 10 board If I de- de deIced r Iced c Jefferson l ard rd mind room rom Mo Mod Mod- Modem f t- t ern em rn home honie privileges Phone 2199 J 1021 tOOMS suitable for Cor 2 2 board bard If d. d de- de sired Ired 2103 2101 Adams Ph M. 19 I. I 11 FIRST s FI-s FIRST CLASS i room and b board dandy dV location loc lon BOG MG 23 Ph 00 BICYCLES I lug Big Dg July Bicycle Uc ce Sale K KAMEY DIY ER ERS ER'S 8 US 2416 46 Klesel Kiesel 2316 Wash Ave 65 6 UK A I by y ex ex new and u used ud d bicycles guns uns Phone 11 I. 3 f Business Opportunities es D AL rooming house houte with II 24 1 rooms roms sacrifice on un account of sick sick- sickness ness nUl Cash Iash or terms 1 45 r 1 ACIS fruit rom S room 5 house on for or smaller mall r home L CARPET i CLEANING I I f STATE rE ELECTRIC CARP J I CLEANING COMPANY COi O I NY girs Flu Class crus Work Phone K Van Kampen Sons Home Carpet Calpet Cleaners L Lurn urn QUALITY A restored d to Prices toe SOc and up For or first class clas work phone 1310 EJ E. E J. J HAMPTON CO I CARPET CLEANING CLEANING- Mattresses renovated Work guaranteed Prompt call ul erich and deliver Phone 2911 2921 91 T CEMENT WORK I EXCAVATING V A TING fOrms form cement work nf t all al kinds clods Phone W. W Cd Ld Deeter DeetH r Tr CEMENT CE IEST mixer mier for rent by hour bor or M div day Phone 63 6 0 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES 5 a room modern brick brIck with wih lars large sleeping porch p 2332 2322 Jackson 22 SO room 4 modern frame 2635 Lib Lib- Liberty Liberty rom 4 erty arty 63 W WG G room 5 room modern mern brick sleeping rom porch pore brck BLACKBURN i x BARTON Ri Phone rone DOS 90 2121 l. l 1064 NE N W strictly modern bungalow near and Lincoln garage MO 0 40 per pr mo FOWLES FOWLS INC IC 1 3 I ROOMS ROO IS and bath ath good 0 location loton 20 O. O moo I ou ouse oue e. e north e t part parI of ot city II 1250 1230 30 Sidney Stevens Imp ImD Co C. C Phone hOM i 5 9 50 SMALL house houe partly furnished r K N cLI l I. I shad shady lawn on bench ench Ph 2315 W 1073 a modern cheap clean 3 room house and basement 5 5 Patterson 9 S ROOM house houf modern except heat heal moer 2375 Adams Garge Phone hone excer J 2768 Gar b 4 t hou houe e with lh access to tou gay gay- u gayden den uel and orchard 22 2250 51 month 2 20 0 Monroe Ion roe Phone J J. J 4 ROOM 1 modern house 2731 2736 Grant ave moer room 7 rom 7 house cheap or 2 30 Phone WJ lOal 10 1 ALL 11 modern house hOUA garage Phon Pon IL U-H. U 2037 02 Gramercy ave 13 ALL AIL modern house e on paved pa street garage Ira e. e 8 84 43 St St. 1023 1022 ROOM C-ROOM house hOI e. e 24 f Quincy 20 20 per month Inquire InI Monroe 1022 2 Nn r L papered and painted 1 room house hOlse Reeves Phone lIt 9 4 lOOM 4 bungalow close e In cheap chel 1 J J. J J J. J Phone 59 S n ROOM COOl strictly modern house fur fur- furnace furnace furnace nace heat hea t. t 2363 2 CS Lincoln LI n ave ase a 1127 7 4 T hea house lawn and aid shade 13 Canyon road roal Ph J. 28 28 1 M 1 modern house 2436 Madison Av Ave Api Appi l tnt 1st I Savings Saving Bank 2 4 ROOM 1 modern home heat heat all al newly papered garage garse Ogden APARTMENTS ROOM 4 4 strictly modern apartment 6 street streel HO no ga- ga garaca garage rage rae extra Three room rom apart apart- apartment apar- apar fluent ment In Duplex th St. St 12 IS Pa Barton Phone 0 n a H IS electric range hoi hot bot water breakfast brek fa nook fireplace floors So 2300 00 mo larage Call Cal a a. a m. m 1001 11 1 Porter or S tt sL HIO apt and a nd Madison one room 4 basement apt Adults l lEW NEW EW 3 room 3 modern Duplex Duple ns 81 SS month 2213 13 Jackson Phone Phon 21 mont small smal large cheerful ulel quiet cool cl modern J 2027 or J. 2673 MODERN apt electric range range- arid amid ali heat Phone 40 ST modern morrn 5 I room apt 61 08 Phone W. V. W. 62 ROOM 4 1 modern opt apt gas range range hot water waler Kara garage re 2626 Liberty 2 COOL 3 room 3 home like home Ilk modern apt apt hot water vater Phone 1201 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is I hereby given ghen that Ogden City proposes to make the following public improvement wit to Con- Con Construct sewers sewer In Sewer Sewer- District No n. n together with work Incidental to Jio he o plans sped sped- and profiles on rile file re In the theoffice theoffice office of or th the City Cly Engineer And sealed bids are Invited for said sid work ork and will wil be received at the office of the City In the tho City lull 11 at a Ogden O den Utah until 10 to o'clock a a m m. on the t th diy day da of ot August 2927 1927 In Instructions In- In instructions to bidders plans and ant an sped aped specification catons for sail said Improvement ran can an be seen een und and Ind examined at the thc office of f I the City Engineer In the City Hall fail Hal of said Ial city cly The right la s reserved to reject any nn and at aU lids and to waive any d f By fly order of or the Board of ot Commis Commissioners of or Ogden City CI Utah Uth this thi th the day of Jut Jul 1927 1227 Vf W. v. v J J. J CRITCHLOW City Clr Recorder Hy By Anni B B. B Brown Deputy Re Recorder corder cl er First publication July 22 2 1127 17 i Last at AU August I t 11 H. H 1127 Published In Ogden Standard Iner Oden Sewer Seier District No 0 ISI 90 PER CENT MONEY 6 ON OGDEN HOMES HO JES The cheapest and most con coci- convenient co ven ent plan of home finance No Fees Feu or Commissions Commission C. C C. C GASKILL 1002 1001 New First National t I Bank Building Phone |