Show PERSONALS 1 Mr and Mrs Leo Dinwoodey Mr and Mrs L. L O. O Naylor of Salt Lake and Edward Newman and Gordon Jennings of Hollywood were week end guests at the Luke Wright home in Ogden canyon last week Mr New New- Newman Newman Newman man Is Mary Pickford's manager and Mr Jennings Is connected with v the Famous Players Lasky company Mr and Mrs Patrick Healy Jr will entertain at a dancing party on Monday August 8 at the Hermitage Inn Mrs Ezra C C. Rich Dr Clark Rich With Mr and Mrs Gilbert Moyle and children of Salt Lake returned Mon Mon- Monday Monday Monday day from a ten days' days stay at Bear Benr Lake Mr and Mrs Clarence E. E Wright of ot Salt Lake who were with the party motored through Yellowstone Yel Yel- Yellowstone Yellowstone park before returning home Dr Clark Rich was the guest of honor hon hon- honor honor or at a dinner given by Mr and Mrs Moyle on Thursday evening at their home In Cottonwood canyon and left Friday to finish his work as in a II Chicago hospital Mr and Mrs LeRoy Eccles left Thursday for Omaha accompanied by their small granddaughter Martha Gampton who has been visiting visiting at atthe atthe the Eccles home Mr and Mrs Eccles will w pass a few days at the home of their thelt daughter Mrs Jack Gampton before going to Chicago and expect to return to Ogden ODde in I two to tw o weeks On Tuesday evening August 9 Miss s Myrene Rich and Miss Mary Rich will entertain at a dance at the Hermitage grove In honor of Miss Blanche Browning and Dr Junior Rich and Miss Virginia and Clinton On Tuesday Mrs Leland Uland Swaner of Salt Lake will entertain at lunch- lunch luncheon luncheon eon con in honor of her sister Miss Virginia Vir Vir- Virginia VirgInIa ginia Miss Virginia Green Greenwill Greenwill will entertain at luncheon on Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday day In the Japanese room of the Ho Ho- Hotel Hotel Hotel tel Bigelow In honor of Miss Scow SCow- croft and Miss Blanche Browning brides of September b r. r Mr and Mrs Roland E E. and small mall daughter Judith will nr- nr arrive ar arrive rive Monday from Wis and will be guests of Mr and Mrs Harold C. C Day at the Day ranch Bonneville near Brigham City for forthe forthe forthe the next few weeks Mr Is a brother of Mrs Day Mrs James H. H Dore and Mrs George L L. Noble Jr of Houston Texas mother mothr and sister of Mrs George S. S Eccles arrived Tuesday and will be guests at the Eccles home for several weeks Mrs L. L B D. D Duston of ot Houston another sister of Mrs Eccles who was a a. popular Ogden visitor vis vis- visitor visItor of ot last year yeu will arrive Monday to join her mother mo he and a d sisters Mrs Abbott Rodney Heywood who ho hohas has been the guest cf of Mr and Mrs John G. G Heywood at their summerhome summer summerhome home bome at Palo Alto Calif left Friday FrIda for Portland for a stay of several se weeks weck Miss Blanche and John will entertain at a dancing dancin party at the Hermitage grove on Mon Mon- Monday Monday Monday day In honor of Miss Virginia Scow SCow- croft and Clinton Preceding Prec the dance Mrs Ralph E. E E Bristol will II entertain at dinner In honor of her herson herson herson son Chapin Ch Day Bristol at her sum sum- summer summer summer mer home la the canyon Mr and Mrs William H. H Loos Laos with their daughter Mary Alice left Sat Sat- Saturday Saturday Saturday morning by motor for tor Los An Angeles An- An Angeles Angeles geles and the beaches for tor a stay of two weeks Mr and Mrs Harry Eldredge of Chicago arrived Wednesday and arc visiting at the home of Mr Eldredge's parents Mr and Mrs Mrs J. J J U. U Eldredge Jr Miss Mary Eldredge who has been b cn visiting in Chicago for the past month returned with them t e Mr and Mrs Ross Snyder left last Saturday for a two weeks weeks' trip to Portland and the northwest Mrs Horace with her son Horace Homce Jr returned Sunday evening from a stay of a month on the ranch of Hyrum at Bear Lake Mrs James R. R Cooper will leave Monday for tor Portland where she will visit Mrs J. J J M M. Canse for a few days das before sailing for Alaska for a months month's tour On her return from Alaska she will visit Lake Louise and Banff and later go 10 to Chicago and Kansas City She will not return to Ogden until the first of the year Mr and Mrs George L. L Abbott and small daughter Katherine returned Monday evening from a three day trip to Yellowstone on p perk prk rk Mrs Irving Pugh Florence Cooney left Saturday for her home In Oak Oak- Oakland Oakland Oakland land after atter a visit of a month at the home of her mother mothr Mrs Mrs J J. J Cooney Judge James A. A Howell with his mother Mrs Reese Howell and three daughters Jennie Martha and Mary left Tuesday afternoon by mo mo- motor motor mo- mo motor tor for a n five-day five trip to Grand Orand and Zion canyons Mrs Louis H. H Fiery Peery and son Lou Lou- LouIs LauIs Is Jr left Thursday for a motor trip through the northwest Mrs Waldo H. H Sanford of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York formerly Miss Margaret Dills Is a guest at the home other of her parents Mr and Mrs J. J J M. M Dills 1130 Capi CapI- Capital CapItal Capital tal avenue She expects to remain in Ogden for a a. month Dr and Mrs M Mf J. J J left Saturday for Portland and the northwest north north- northwest northwest west for a two weeks weeks' motor trip Miss KatherIne OMeara of Los An An- Angeles Angeles I geles is La the house guest of Miss Ruth McBride Miss MUs OMeara was v.-as formerly of Salt Lake I Mrs Leslie Thomas left Wednesday evening for Cheyenne Wyo for tor a I stay suy of ot a 8 week I Mrs Dennis J. J Sheehan and Miss i Lillian Sheehan of Los Angeles are arc Continued on Page Pace Two I Box Elder EIder Society I BRIGHAM CITY CrrY July 30 30 Mrs Floyd loyd Knudsen was wu hostess at a beau- beau beautifully beautifully arranged party at her home Friday afternoon complimentary to the members of the Social Develop Develop- Development Development Development ment club The Th lawn was waa artistically arranged with 1 rockers and small round tables centered with crystal boskets baskets b of cut flowers ov over r dainty cluny lace covers Bridge Bridie was the diversion of the he Afternoon with high score going to o Mrs D. D B. B Baron and the cut prize to Mrs Milton 1 Jensen Luncheon was served at small tables to twenty- twenty eight The special guests iU ts Included Mrs Irs Milton Jensen Mrs D. D B. B Baron B ron Mrs Alf All Olsen Mrs Roy Larsen Mrs Harry Caldwell Mrs Percy Knudsen Knuden Mrs An R. R P. P and Miss Uarda Knudsen of this city and Mrs McNeal of Chicago 5 S S Mrs O. O H. H Ward of Willard was hostess at an affair given at her home Sunday afternoon In honor h nor of the ninth fifty birthday of her hus bus band Dinner was waa served at o'clock at one Ion long table at which eighteen guests were seated The table was WIS artistically adorned with yellow nasturtiums and pink sweet peas with feather eather ferns In dainty bas bas- A color scheme heme of pink and j yel- yel yellow el el- ellow low prevailed The table cover was wasa a ft pink linen underlay with a dainty yellow filet lace throw and cluny chiny lace doilies dollies The center of the table was occupied by bythe bythe bythe the beautiful pyramid shaped birth birth- birthday birthday birthday day cake with the word Father writ writ- written written written ten In pink on an yellow icing and sur sur- surrounded surrounded surrounded rounded with 9 59 9 yellow candles in tiny pink rose fOe holders After dinner the time was wu passed in social chat cha and music Miss Edna Ward assisted In n receiving The town out-of-town guests guest Included Mr and Mrs Pat Newnon Mr and Mrs Elliott tt Don Doan and Par Par- Parker Parker Parker ker Ward all aU of Ogden Mr and Mrs O. O H H. Ward have eight living children and ten grand grand- grandchildren children S S S Mrs Tura Nelson of this city was the guest of honor Tuesday at a birth birth- birthday birthday birthday day dinner given at her home at by the members of the Cheerful club Dinner was WILS served at one long table centered with a large o of cut flowers Covers were laid to for sixteen After Alter dinner dinner- the time was passed in social chat and needlework The special guests of the club included Mrs Eliza Eisa Watkins Mrs Annie Val Val- ValI Valentine I entine and Bertha Little Miss Dantzel daugh daugh- daughter daught t ter r of Mrs Anna of this city was the guest of honor at a birthday party given by her mother Friday In honor of her ninth birthday Tw Twenty Twenty en enty ty little little- folks enjoyed games anc and music on the large lawn of the Coole Cooley hospital on South Main street where Mrs is head nurse A A. phonograph phonograph phonograph graph furnished the music for games game and dancing after which a dainty tray luncheon was served S S S The Misses Audrey Barker Barker- Zelda Zeld and Edna Ward of Willard entertained at a parcel shower Thursday ev evening in honor of Mrs Lawrence M M. of Salt Salt- Lake a recent bride at th the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J. J A. A Ward The lawn was waa attractive attractive- attractively ly lighted with colored Incandescent lamps The evening was passed in playing games after which a 8 dainty tray luncheon was served to about thirty Mrs Mn Beerup the gues guest of honor was formerly Miss Leona Leon LeonWard Ward of Willard She man many gifts S S S The Sego Lily camp of the Daugh Daugh- Daughters Daughters tars of the Pioneers met at the home horn hornof of Mr and Mrs Rubin Beecher of this his city After Alter the regular opening exert Ilea the meeting was turned to toa toa a social In honor of tho the husbands and nd partners of those present The lawn la awn was lighted with large elec- elec trio rio lamps and the crowd seated In a The following program was carried out Reading Connie Jensen ensen two songs Anna Ann Knudsen reading Mrs Rosilla Osburn song Mr and Mrs Forsgren song Paul and Sarah Beecher After the program games were played on the lawn la after which a tray luncheon was served to forty people S S S Willow Creek camp cami of the daugh- daugh daughten daughters ten ers of the Pioneers met at the home of f Mrs John J Ward Ward Thursday at 30 with Captain Olive Madsen In tn charge harge and Lieutenant Hannah B. B Nicholas conducting After the open- open opening Ing ng exercises and prayer by William Lowe the following program was car car- carried carried ried ned out Lesson s. s n on Incidents of the thelon pioneers pioneers' lon ers ers' crossing of the plains was given Iven by Mrs Mn Elias Ellas Tarns Tams the last testimony of Martin MarUn Harris given by Sofa Ne Mrs Poulter of Ogden gave an account of the hardships of ofer her er mother while crossing the plains Edith E E. Badley gave a a. solo and Mrs Irs Betsy Zundel the benediction after which refreshments were served by Mrs loin John J J. J Ward Mrs Edith Bad- Bad Badley Icy ley cy and Mrs Florence Edwards Special guests were Mr and Mrs E. E P. P Cardon Mr and Mrs William Lowe owe Mrs Maud Gidney of Salt Lake Mrs Poulter of Ogden and the mother and father of Mrs Gwendolyn Barnes from Kansas Kl S S S On Friday afternoon Mr and Mrs A. A A R. R Kafton Mrs Sarah Allen AUen Mrs C C. P. P Shaw and S. S A. A Older of ot Corinne motored to Park City to attend a a ban ban- banquet banquet banquet and reception given for lor O. O K g. S S. S. S grand officers by Mountain Chapter Wo No 2 The hospitality of the Park Parle City chapter was thoroughly enjoyed by the Corinne party after the long ride through the beautiful Parley canyon The Corinne people were en en- en entertained by Mrs Lavins Jackson Jack n o of Park City formerly of Willard who still sWI retains her membership In tM I Corinno O. O E. E S. S chapter r Mrs A. A L. L L Shaw and Mrs Mrs' A A A. R. R Dickson entertained the Corinne La La- diu ics ics' M. M E Eo club on Thursday afternoon t at t the home of Mrs Shaw A short business session cession was held in n charge t j of f Mrs A. A R. R n. n Kafton Heft president of the club All took part In the th singing of f America Star Spangled Banner and nd America the Beautiful A most Continued on race Page Six I BOX ELDER SOCIETY 1 From Page Two interesting paper on was read by Mrs F. F W. W Klock an and Miss Vests Vesta Fery gave a piano solo Games were played and prizes won b by Mrs J J. J Y Ferry and Mrs Sarah Al Allen Al- Al len The hostesses served a tra tray luncheon Guests of the club for th the afternoon were Mrs Fred Chlan Chlarson oi Mrs S S. S A A. Older Mrs C C. W W. Ogden Mrs Edward Rader Bader Miss Hiss Grace Boa Bos Bosley icy ley and MSS Hazel Bosley Station Agent F F. W V. Klock and Mr Mrs Klock left Corinne on Friday for a trip through Yellowstone park and a visit of several days with relatives 1 in Montana after which they expect t to spend two v weeks ecks in California Mr J JD J. J J.D. D D. McMullen of Nevada is here as supply during Mr Klocks Klock's ab ab- ab sence senccA A large larga crowd attended a picnic given by tilt the Tremonton M. M E E. Sunday Sunda school on Monday In the Mann grove grov two miles south of town A program of music and readings was given b by members of the school a picnic din din- dinner ncr ner enjoyed by allf and the afternoon spent scent in playing various games Mrs Emerson Easley and son Robbie of Montello Nev are visiting in Corinne the guests of the A. A C Murphy family |