Show YANKEES Wll WILL PLAY ON NEW NEWBALL NEWBALL NEWBALL BALL GROUNDS Largest Baseball Orchard Will Be Ready Beady When the Season Opens NEW YORK April 14 By 14 By the Press When s-When When When bU- bU bW bill the wide nation magnet be- be begins gins gins attracting its swarms Warms of ot fans fansto fansto fansto to its Ils two poles here hero this season Beason New ew Yorks York's de devotees otoes of ot the sport will wend their way Into the tho two largest arget and finest parks In the tho couL- couL couLtry try coul-try try The ne new lanken stadium Is now practically com corn complete complete and vast Improvements hl haC ha been under way at the Polo Grounds Ground home bome of the worlds world's cham chani- champion pion plon Giants where the seating ia- ia a is being Increased to The Tho combined combined seating scaling capacity ot of the two at the tho opening of ot thu season will bo 75 00 75 at atthe tho Y kee stadium and 45 at atthe atthe the Polo Grounds but Grounds but within a afew few weeks necks this will be bo increased L ed to In future when final plans are arc completed spec spec- spectators spectators can be accommodated on a single day The Tho Yankee stadium the tho largest bas baseball ball park In lu the country Ill willbe be reidy rOldy for the opening game ned neit with Ith the tho Boston Boton n It'd So and will Accommodate persons hen W c hen completed It will seat The se severity erity ot of the winter ham hai retarded work at St tho the Polo Grounds but beats seats will ba bo available there April 26 at the first call o tor for today and before nf m r Ill ui be lie The Yankee Yanke park Is an arena with alth Ith its tier of ot wooden bleaches bleachers surrounding most of ot th outfield and huge hugo steel and grandstand consisting of ot two s Sand sand land and a mezzanine floor The rho bleach bleach- bleachers ers newly painted In bright green greD are ready for Cor the first mob ol ot enthusiasts wool the The grandstand is complete eY- eY ex CT except for tor two decks of ot seats In tIn till extreme left field section which sill III be bo added After eter the te close ot of the tho 1923 season There Thero are rows ot of box seats scats In tn front of ot all seats scats In Inthe inthe inthe the two decks as well ll as the mezia- mezia nine I nine The enclosure tor for newspaper newspaper- newspapermen newspapermen men Is in front of ot the tIme I floor and directly behind homo home I plate An Immense score board hs hi I been erected o 0 er or the center field center bleachers with figures a toot tool high h isible from any sectIon of the park Scores of ot all games ames in both major 1 leagues will alIt Ill be bo posted dill Under the tho direction of ot Phil veteran ground keeper ground ho was In charge of ot the old 01 1 field moio mote than a decade ago the tho pIa In field has haa been from the edle of Cot the stands to th thrIm rIm of ot the bleachers except for n I I track 24 feet wide nide Ide encircling tho th field The track me ards and arid has a straightaway of ot I yards It will be available for trad meets when ahen hen the tho field is not being used for tor baseball Its wooden rini rim can be when the track is not In use so as ab a not to Interfere with the fly chasers The field il im I feet teet 6 inches ii Ide When hen Babe Ilabe Ruth hits luts a a horn hom run 0 over oser er second base to the tho center centerfield centerfield r field ble the ball bail will ha haio ha o 0 to 1 tr 1 fet feet The main entrance and exit to Ithe the grind nd stand are on Streel and Doughty street 1 The he grand brant grandstand stand and cot cost the Yank Yankees ees Ce U 2 and the slightly more moro than Ube The old wooden bleachers at t th Polo Grounds have havo been rep replaced b concrete and steel structures ox- ox ex extending t tending from each end of ot the grand grandstand stand around the time outfield In con cen center conter conter ter field two t bleacher sections o ha ha b ben cn en finished each seating 25 00 persons and separated by an elat gate hound Behind each Unco uncovered stand Is a clubhouse of ot concrete and ste steel l one ono of ot four stories to be oc- oc occupied oc occupied by tho the Giants front from the original le left 1 ising of ot the tho grandstand and covet covet- coveting Ing In ing about 20 feet feeL Is a high con con- concrete con concrete crete creto structure that will III carry ar arI upper tier of ot seats Broadening out OUI Into deep center field this Irb sir I will the proportions of to lIr as it first was built around the diamond In 11 deep fIeld another wins Ing has been added aJ 1 00 |