Show Salt alt Lake Society I SALT LAKE CITY April 14 14 Miss L Ll LI all Sweet and Fyke who ho still be married Ma May 3 were were guests of honor at a dimier dance given gisen Thursday evening bY bv Miss Hortense Stohl at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs S Stohl East first South street r T J The guests were ere seated at one tong table A lle Ite bride and bridegroom encircled bv by an ment ment and wedding ring formed ormed a centerpiece G Gold 01 1 candelabra hold hold- holding ing lag gold-colored gold candles were ere at each end The table was lighted only b bv candle light Narcissus bios blos blossoms corns sonis Si were ere scattered os 0 over cr the tho cloth The fa favors ors were ere ell no novelty perfume bottles Covers Cosera were laid forthe for tor the folio following Ing IngIn In addition to the guests of honor Mr Ir and Mr Mrs Douglas Dou McClellan s Mi-s Hem letta Bird Miss Grace GraN Miss Mary MIs Miss nuth fluth Jewkes Miss Caroline Can Can- Cannon Cannon Cannon non Miss Martha Cannon Miss Ils Il's Stohl Ted Decker ial al Cassidy Pat Wattis of Ogden Steve Stev Kerr Drew himan and Gene LI Liv- Liv Liv v- v Ingston a a a Members of the Kiwanis club en- en enI en I at a dinner danner dance in th main dining loom of the Ibid Hotel U Utah ah Thursday night beginning at o'clock An Informal recep recep- reception reception tion on the mezzanine preceded the 1730 dinner Entertainment features ere it ere gisen en during dinner and dancing as enjoyed The Ariel Arlel orchestra furnished hed music Wiss I of the of the entertain entertain- entertainment entertainment ment com committee mil tee assisted in lit ing Ing the guests The Tho committee Includes Berry Ia 1 coch Earl Barl M Iii Crandall Jesse Jeso JesseS S J Porter R Lee Irvine C U e Mc- Mc McMullen McMullen SIc Mullen Mullen W V n 1 Pollock Blair Rich Rich- Richardson Richardson Richardson ardson Dr Clifford Rudine Pies Ples Pi Bancroft Major A J McDonald L I B Gottschall A J CaIlo ay Paul D I Bassett and Sterling lb II Nelson Covers COHrs were ere laid for far a a Mr Mrs C B 13 Lee Lse entertained at luncheon Thursday at her home at rort lort Douglas Red fled roses formed t t for tor the luncheon and were ere al also o used in the lit 11 Ing room Covers were laid for the follow follow- follow Mra litre 1 r A Prince Mrs Irs F r I L Knudsen Mrs C J Bartlett Mrs Irs W v Gordon Mrs H R H I Penner fenner Mrs Turner Caldwell Caidwell Mrs J J Mrs J K Rains Mrs Irs C I Thatcher Mrs Roy Mrs R n If 11 SO SOles les and Mrs J E D l I Spirit of Liberty Dau Dauch- Dauch h- h tera of the Amerian He Ret were entertained Thursday noon b bv Mis Mu D U 1 Stockman ard Mrs 1 S B Tuttle at the Stockman home Eighth avenue a Tea its el ed The lite tea tAble was as decorate with dog tooth violets Mrs HI itS K IC Par ons presided at the tea tej tab tabIe Ie program was stas In charge of Mrs R TI A Broadhurst Mrs J l 1 lalor gave gase a report of o the tho state con convention contention in Ogden A mu musi- musi musi musical l- l cal cat program included vocal sele- sele selections lions by Miss Grace Lion Elon Price An Cradle Song and T Sno Snowing accompanied r by by by- Mrs John C vocal oeal numbers Mrs Irs Jed Jd l 1 Woolly Woolley It Wa Was April and One Spring b Nevin accompanied by Mu Mt A A Barrho Barr who ho tave aase e a the piano III lii U lInol 1 Minon by and J b Ib I Officers wee nominated by the Elks Ladles Ladies club Monday ronday night In ina Ina II a meeting at the Elks ells club looms The candidates fro office are as follows Mc-AdAnia Mc President Mrs J D Mc- Mc Adams and Mrs A J Lowe LOVIC Jr at vice sice Ice president Mrs R ft B I Thurman and Mr Mrs George Ic 1 lc- lc Gonagle Mc-Gonagle Mc second vice sice Ice president Mrs Irs W V J 1 0 Connor Miss Agnes Agne MeNd I corresponding secretary Mrs Charles Bennett Dennett and Mrs 1 A l 1 Gibson treasurer Mrs 1 Len executive Landau e committee Mrs M Iii Lan Lan- Lan dau Mrs A A B Ii In Ine Mrs Mr A S Price and Mrs V A An Intel program was car car- carried car carried ried ned out Miss lIss gatea Reese Rlee ga gate e ea I eI a group of readings Vocal elec- elec I lion were ne vi ere riven gh en by Mrs Mra C C I belec-I Burt PI H 8 BurtI Roland Lewis gl gave gate e a 1 I tall lali on Ideals andA and A of Saxons Saxons Anglo A minuet was I danced Clarence by Stewart Stew art and Clat- Clat Claience Clar ence Lee Jee Dorothy Frank Prank appeared In a 0 dance as aa an old fashioned old girl Mrs Mra E II S B Walker Valker was ac- ac accompanist accompanist ac accompanist Refreshments were served ser at th conclusion of the program The 5 TV isee ere Mrs W I 1 bee beers bee Wether-bee Mrs Mra R It 0 O Sanden Mrs Al- Al Alert Al Albert bert ert Smith Mrs Mra R B T Porte Mrs I C C Nolson Mr Mrs Mra S r 1 Norton Mrs R It V W Todd and S Mrs a A C Nelson Miss MI 8 I ensen en- en en entertained state superintendents superIntendent of I schools In n att attendance dance at a 0 con con- convention convention con convention In the city at luncheon Monday at the tho Manor House cli rast First South street The gut guests were seated at one long table lable decorated in pink and white snapdragons ers Covers were laid fOr tor 40 a S e Mrs Mra C N X Sweet entertained a luncheon at h her sr r hom home 1039 Third a Tuesday In honor of o Mrs Mary Sweet of Holl Hollywood wood Cal Cat Th guests were seated at ono OnG table with a centerpiece of pink and whito sweet peas Bridge e fol- fol followed fol followed lowed loed luncheon Covers COHrs were ere laid for the tho follow follow- followIng following following ing In addition to the guest of oC honor Mrs G- G GS S 5 Payne Mrs rA r I rA A S Sweet Mrs D G McClellan Mrs Frances Sweet Mrs Irs al Youn Young Irs F r A and Miss L Lali Lv all S Sweeta Sweet a a a Folio Following Ing the marriage of Miss I Elsie Osborn Oborn and aid Mortimer Decker Decler In tho Salt Lake Jale temple Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday I da day at noon a I was J h gisen en last evening e at the home of r Mr and Mrs Irs Joseph Decker Docker th I th avenue A color scheme of pink and whIte was carried out In the house decorations The reception room was as decorated with Ith a J variety of spring fo flow flowers ers palms an I 1 ferns forns Pink loses In a Corm the centerpiece for Vor for tl the Q supper tahl table The bride wore ore a a go gown n of white satin with a veil sell ell caught with orange blossoms and cal rip Ophelia roses Sho She was as attended b by her sister Miss Eva Esa r 0 Osborn who wore blue crepe de Chine and carried pink peas pens Assisting Mr 1 and Mrs Decker In I Ing were ere Mr II and Mrs J Jv JW V Osborn Oborn parents prents of or the bride Presiding in the dining room was ws Mrs irs 0 E 13 McGahen Assisting iJ ii sen mg ere Miss Marjorie CU- CU Gal lacher lacher Miss Rosalia Rosall Madsen MIss Gertrude White and Miss Mabel White jOne j I One hundred rd and fifty Inn In Invitations ifa- ifa were pre issued 1 Oho 1 hI he couple will make their homo home in Ne Nevada ada S a Mrs Irs J S C Dials Divis entertained tb the I Wednesday J 1 live I he Hundred club at hei hel home East Dst ay Pink s sweet peas peR form form- formed formed ed d a a centerpiece for one lare lar table and also for a small table I The Tho place cards nero ere In sweet pet pe desIgns CO were laid for 12 I club members 4 a S a Society Ly was largely ely represented at a a bridge e tea gl glen given en Wednesday afternoon h b hv the tha guild o of St Marks Mark's cathedral in the guild room room-ot of the chUl chuich and deanery The rhe cal caid d tables TV is ere in the tho guild room and I te assas as aw as sef d at the deanery A sits silver er basket of daffodils tulips and narcissus formed p o centerpiece for tho the table Peach blossoms were ere used about the guild I and the deanery Sixty tables were ere arranged for cards and others othen acre ere entertained at tea Presiding at th thi tea ta table we wee we e Mrs 1 Geor George e Allen Alien Sirs Mrs Prel CO ans Mrs D Moore and Mrs George I F r Wasson Vason A As- As Assisting As Assisting in serving In ct wele e Miss Chipman Miss Marjorie arjorie Chipman Miss Elizabeth Holmes Holme Miss Clara Holmes Hohns Miss Lillian Holmes MI l SMargaret Margaret Gunther Miss Margaret Benson EDson Miss Mary Le ie Rou floux and MIss Katherine Chandler Mrs W W was chairman o of a 1 general arrange arrange- arrangements arrangements ments committee Other com coin committees com committees Included Mrs F P A man lung lIhs Hugh Thomas Mis J J 1 L Craig Mrs II It It R Welch Mrs Sherm in 11 ong Mrs Irs King King- Cobb Mrs Irs George Lawrence Lawrnce Mrs Irs W V lb H Chipman and Mrs Arthur II Miller III r Mrs Irs Charles Charlls Tyng Mrs Irs Will Mrs I Edward II Mrs rs R TI G C Williams Mrs Irs C II 13 dining dining room Mrs W V I I Gunther Mrs Irs James W Collins Miss Gertrude McGrath Mrs C P ilis C A Faus Mis MisA A C AIlman Aikman tickets Mrs Irs J A Ree e Mrs A B Gibson cand and Mrs George Rust Mrs IrS Arthur Da Dales les Mrs E A Rogers Jis s sD I Chandler D C Mrs rs II It A Chand Chand- Chandler Chand- Chand ler Mrs Edgar Bering tables and chairs Mrs Henry T Moore Mrs Wilson L Snyder Mrs W andI A I Sn der Mrs W A s M-s Q MsG G F r lII McGonagle Gonagle Mrs Irs C Ii 1 I Tra Er decorating Mrs T S W v Langley Langle Mrs Mrs- Charles Wilkis s I Mrs George Gorge Le nou Roux Mrs 0 H Braun Mi Mis Tom Stevenson Mis J C Watt Mis hs T J Ponce Ponce- ad- ad ad advertising Mrs William M IS RA nA Mrs James A Hogle and Mrs n 11 A Broadhurst t rail Pation on were ere as folio follows s MrS Irs r I A Pyke Mrs C W Mrs Emma Moulton Mrs Prances I Wright Thompson Mrs J Walcott Thomp Thomp- son eon sirs Mrs C D Moore 1 Mrs C It If ItI ItI I Van Wallace A Arman Mrs George Gorge Y T Wal- Wal Wal ral I Ilace lace Mrs D Moore Lindsay Mrs Ida Hogle Mrs Irs R n J i Mrs E r P LeCompte Mrs Bradley Mr Mrs Ernest ernet I ford Mrs lI II T Bailey Mrs J E r Mr lr J E r J and Mrs John Weir I a a a I Mrs R W W Myres entertained at luncheon and cards Wednesday st hel hei home East Tast Broadway fOI oi the members of her club Luncheon was served sef at one table Pink swe peas In a bo bowl boI I formed a center center- centerpiece centerpiece piece for the table Cc Covers ors EI e laid for tor Mrs 01 1 0 Burns Mrs rs L W Y Ir Jewell Kelly llly Mrs ir IL L Stoner B n F De Inny Mis Ml 1111 a s Clark ClarIs InS McCall and Mrs Inar mar Johnson |