Show URGES S HELP HEte FOR INDIANS 1 Governor Mabey Suggests Reservation for Utah Tribes S LT LAKE April 14 H Cover 14 Gover Governor Gover Governor nor Mabey yesterday addressed a aletter letter to 10 the secretary of oC the tho Interior In- In In Interior calling attention to the fact that Utah Indian are with without out any regular domain and sug wI Ie Resting gesting that tribes be bo assigned to toI some somo reservation and placed there thero thereTha The Tha 10 governor further suggests as asa asa a preventive of another affair slur slur- sim similar liar ilar to that th which has haa been Slag staged filar In In southern Utah within the past month that to te department of interior In- In Interior In Interior appoint a IL special agent to tot t tese te e tribEs tribE's t t rubes ribes By nature reads the governors gover- gover governor nor nors B leter they are aro indolent and producing little or nothing for their own su sustenance lna nce Consequently they live largeR largel through mendicancy and er It is evident e therefore that they I tiro iro ro a source of ot contact constant annoy annoy- annoyance annoy annoy-ance I Ance and inconvenience and at att a aI t times of oC actual menace ep to the bite settlers in that lt I The he IrO governors governor's suggestion suggestion- u ire are l I 1 That moss be assigned to and ind placed pl upon Bomo JODIO re reIt tion It Uon and kept there thre 2 That a agent beaI be be- ap- ap appointed l ap-l pointed by the department to con con 00 I these e thc e tribes I I concur In this thia ad advice adIce Ice and I Iam am m convinced that this adjust adjust- adjustment adjustment adjustment ment be to the tho mutual benefit of ot tho the whites whiles and Indians I I cannot urge too strongly that posItive n action lIon be taken by the department in bringing lne about a I and final settlement of this difficulty i |