Show N 0 O NOTED i ifOR fOR LONGEVITY 32 Men and Women In Community From 70 To 95 Years Old North Ogden Ia lays las s claim to bc- bc beI being be I Zing ins ing a I champion community for tor health an and an l longevity There Ire are 3 2 men and oud women in North Og- Og Ogden Ogden Op den over the ago age ot of 70 years and e range rans-c from 70 to 95 B 13 F P BI BIlock Bill lock the North Ogden correspondent of ot The Standard Examiner went to the tho trouble of checking the tho list ot of North O den old folks folls and bo be submits the following I salubrious North Ogden O with US salu salu- salubrious salubrious atmosphere purity of the I water of ot its Sparkling rills rill and flowing wells the of othe the soil i oil and social socia and of the to town ton n unsurpassed by any community of ot the west it tt has become noted for tor the ity It of the life lite of ot Its citizens as li is well o in the following roll of ot honor Ann Huband recently mo moved to Silt Salt Lake J aged 35 95 born December Decem- Decem December iber Decem-iber J I ber 31 1827 In England Alice Allce Strong Stron 91 94 9 born April tc 16 I 1 2 9 at Dar Darwin Darm m England John Woodfield 90 born near Birmingham Warwickshire Eng Eng Eng- England England land March 28 8 1833 Benjamin Al ord 88 born Jan Jan- January January Jan January uary 3 1833 1835 at Oakland county count 10 Iowa n William 85 born January 16 1838 it tt Manchester Ian England I James Jamrs Ward 82 born at soy rew-soy Pew rew- se soy Wiltshire England June 13 12 1840 Caroline I Alvord 82 62 born March arch 13 1841 I I Electa Gardener Montgomery 81 born March 8 S 18 1312 1842 2 at Erie Erlb county PennI Penn I Caroline McCarty l Wilson 80 0 born December 8 1842 at West cst Westmoreland moreland moreland morelan county Penn PennI I I Emma Imma or ill Mor 1 Dean 79 born July 12 13 1843 at Pl New Jer- Jer Jersey Jersey Jer Jersey sey William Woodfield 78 born May lay 18 1844 IS 44 at pt t War War- War WarI e England I Eliza Ellza Linford 77 born bom April 11 1846 at GI el England Mary ary Staley Warren 78 born August 15 1844 1644 in lD Italy James Deamer 77 born May ay 4 I IJames 1846 1845 at rt Hartford England Eliza W Brown 76 born bom at atI I West Livington England January 30 20 1347 1847 Fred fired W r Ellis Bills 78 76 born April 30 1846 at Melksham Wiltshire England Englan M Williams 75 is born on Island of Jersey January 18 1848 Thomas Norris Morris 74 born April 30 10 1849 in Eng En- England lan land Sarah H n Garner 74 born it Ion London on England April 8 1848 William U n Jones 74 born June 2 1845 1843 at nt Malvern Worcester Worcester- Worcestershire Worcestershire shire England Ingland Nancy Clark Montgomery Mo 74 born January 14 H 1849 1840 at amie arnle amle la in Ezekiel L L Blodget 74 July 1 I 1848 at Centerville Center Centen me la In Susan Busan K K D Ellis 73 horn born January 28 1850 at Bath Eath Eng Ing- England Ingland England land James Roylance 73 72 born No- No No ember SO 30 3 O 1849 9 at It Burlington la Ia Greenleaf Blodgett 72 horn born September 3 2 1850 at S Sweet Water l emigrating George Drown 71 born Janu Janu- January Janu- Janu January January ary 7 1852 18 2 at West La Ington England rland Frances A C Ward Vard 71 born at Wayland Vayland Steuben county count New NewYork NewYork York Mary Reynolds 71 born bora June 1 1851 in South Wales 11 Mena J Montgomery 70 born September 28 23 1352 In Nona Norway James Store Hore lorei 70 born Decem Decem- December December ber her 25 1852 at Durham England Ian Mary C Il H I Woo Woodfield 70 iO born February 20 1853 at Chester r Chester county S CAnnie CAnnie C CAnnie Annie S Deamer 70 iO bornIa horn born Ia fay 2 1852 1853 at Newton Wiltshire England two Thirty men and anil nd 1 women omen from 70 to 95 scars fears earS orage or orase orage age ase |