Show had sought refugee a powder housed near a mine des iowa july 19 five miners were literally blown to pieces by the explosion 0 twenty five pounds of dynamite in a storage powder house at the west riverside coal mines two miles west of des moines early today the dead are charles brown engineer duke miller sinker harry belknap sinker dell vance sinker george arrowwood pump brown vance and arrowwood leava families heads arms and limbs were scattered for a distance of feet the explosion was not known until appeared to go to work the alc tinis were engaged in sinking a new shaft and during the early morning hours a rain came up which compelled the men to stop work they sought shelter in the powder house lightning struck a tree near the building and ignited the dynamite as well as two kegs of powder and the men in the building were blown to fragments some of the bodies were BO badly disfigured that identification was imps elble the nearest house was feet away and the inmates knew nothing of the accident attributing the noise to the bolt of lightning CAUGHT ON OF PINES havana july 19 alfred buck sall to be the former cashier of tho mapleton glnn state bank was recently arrested on he isle of pines under the name of W J mcgregor on the charge of defalcation and will be brought to havana for extradition to the united states according to dunns mercantile reference book B A mcgregor Is the cashier of the state bank of caplo ton glnn JAPS DRIVE OUT RUSSIANS k boklo july 19 noon vice ad miral kamimura Kaml mura reports that his flotilla of torpedo destroyers was shelled by the russians at Yuk twan the at tacking force numbering about the flotilla replied and silenced tha russians after which cavalry was Us covered retiring and was shelled the flotilla also discovered a russian cavalry patrol at and turned its fire upon them tho cruiser chihaya shelled the russian guard and signal men posted on a hill north of gekas in the western extremity of 1 northeastern korea general superintendent Hag erford of the pullman sen ice ith headquarters in chicago was in ogden yesterday repatriation OF SPANIARDS madrid july 19 the spanish it Is announced Is ar for the repatriation of thi spaniards who were imprisoned in tho philippine islands by the during the war of ass anil who are still in the islands |