Show CO OPERATION cooperation IN EDUCATION president eliot 0 harvard in an on republican education in ahja outlooks Out looks annual educational number lays stress oa the voluntary operation cooperation co of the children in educating themselves thus he says let the children learn from their earliest years what operation cooperation co means in ahe family in tha home and in the fec hobT 1 let them see it and feel it for themselves not as a principle imposed by authority but as a natural and universal process of course you can not do that to a baby but you can begin when the child Is three or tour ysais S old to induct ia the child operation cooperation co the voluntary combining alth the other children in the house with the father and mother with the friends that come in with the other children on the floor of the kindergarten you can early and never cease ti teach the process of voluntary operation cooperation co which Is the substitute in A republic for unreasoning obe airence to orders for instance it Is necessary in a large school that at a signal all the children should rise simultaneously and march er it makes all the difference in the world in the effect on the individual will it the child sees just why it is for he children to rise altogether and move away the bong spirit is what I 1 may describe as the military spirit in a school the right spirit is the thoroughgoing cooper co oper active spirit for a motive seen this spirit justifies self effacement and self sacrifice as no other spirit really docs norwegians NORWEGIA NS ARE ACTIVE f abe norwegians Norwegia ns in the united states are tailing an active part in aiding helt country to become firmly established as a nation separate and apart from sweden in the past ten years almost as many norwegians Norwegia ns as swedes have arrived in the united states 0 o that today there Is fully nor in this country and each one has constituted himself a committee of one to bring about recognition of nor ways independence recent events in the scandinavian peninsula lend interest to statistics just compiled in the bureau of static bics tics of the department of commerce and labor regarding the population comparative resource and industries of sweden and norway as well as their commerce with the united states and other countries sweden and norway have a combined area of square miles about equal to that of texas nd the indian territory their population Is practically the aade as that of the state of new york the area of sweden Is about 40 per cent more than that of norway the territorial extent of the two countries being square miles and square miles respectively notwithstanding less favorable natural conditions such as the poverty of the soil about 75 per cent of which is unproductive and a rigorous climate in the farger part of the country also relatively larger emigration the population in norway increases faster than in sweden thus the population in sweden increased between 1893 and 1903 from to or sa per cent while that of norway grew from to or per cent during the same period of be total estimated population of sweden in 1903 only per cent appear under the head of urban dwellers athile of the total population of nork ay according to the 1900 census per cent arc returned as living in ur ban settlements the difference in alie industrial chap acter of the population Is shown fur thedmore by the fact that in sweden the of the population la still agriculture with its cognate branches while in norway the importance of agriculture ri Is about the same as that of the fisheries each of which industries according to official estimates furnishes an annual product of about 15 million dollars or about 10 per cent of the annual national income the average value of the principal cereal productions in sweden for the years 1902 Is stated at while the average value of norwegian cereal crops for 1896 1900 was estimated at only this as well as the relative absence of minerals of industrial importance involves a much greater dependence oa the part of norway upon imported and raw materials and results as a further consequence in a tariff policy distinct from that of sister nation the sports of breadstuffs bread stuffs including hour during the calendar year of 1903 into sweden amounted in value to andrio in norway the only common industry of im especially for the foreign trade is lumbering inasmuch as both countries abound in forests particularly spruce and pine both of which varieties find ready sales in british and continental markets of the total domestic exports from the two countries the exports of lumber and timber and thereof such as wood pulp and matches constituted per cent in the case of sweden and per cent in the case of norway the mining and the metal industry which is an important source of national wealth in sweden giving employment to persons in 1903 has but little importance in the national economy o norn ay DYNAMITE AND prohibition kansas Is a prohibition state but three saloons have been allowed to flourish at lole these saloons have now been destroyed by dynamite the reckless criminals who committed this act of violence would probably pay that it was done in defense of the law which had been outraged and we have thus an illustration of the lawless character of bome law defenders the offense of running a saloon contrary to law elenka into insignificance compared with the uso ot dynamite of which no man can foresee the results to innocent life and to property there is another lesson that this calma may appropriately inculcate every law is a dead letter unless it be support edby the great mass of public opinion f the law that is opposed by a large minority acan never be enforced and it becomes doubly because it leads in the first place to law breaking and in the second place it induces a general contempt 0 all law there is a deplorable tendency at the present time to do good to our neighbors against their will and to involve ourselves in a maze of law intended to prevent other people brorn doing what we believe to be harmful to them legislation is inconsistent with freedom and while extremes are always to be avoided and exceptions are always to be made in the light of common sense we shall yet be forced to recognize that the injurious self indulgence of others or what we consider to be so is not a fit matter for legislation we must in other words realize that within certain obvious limits a man has a right to do as he pleases provided ho does not infringe upon the liberty of others the crime in kansas is a proof that unpopular laws cannot be enforced it is also a proof of the length to which fanatics will go in their determination to have their own way with the liberties ol 01 others AND THE CROAKERS president Roosevel ts remarks touching he canal in his address to tha physicians of long island were words in season it vl not be a failure said hs it will be a success and it will be a success because we shall treat every little check not as a reason for abandoning the work but as a reason tor altering and our plans so ad to make it impossible that that par j nicular snail happen again for years powerful interests cunning in the use 0 intrigue and all forms of bribery interposed between government and the inauguration of the great work of drenching trenching tren ching the isthmus the very friends of a waterway between the oceans were used to block the scheme but there came a time when plot tings were swept aside apparently insuperable obstacles removed and the work started it was then supposed that the malign anti canal influences fluen ces had been reduced to impotence certainly they were discouraged and demoralized D late however they have shown unmistakable signs of the miasmatic mists of the isthmus are not thicker than tha fogs of misrepresentation resen tation they have managed to raise over canal conditions they have been added by the necessity of reorganizing the canal commission but their ingenuity has found its most fertile field in the physical difficulties inseparable from the digging of the big ditch every difference of opinion occurring in the commission has been magnified doubt that the route selected Is practicable has been diligently cultivated disease dangers have been industriously magnified the wallace case is too recent to need more than passing reference presumably tho immediate purpose was the manufacture of public sentiment to the undertaking that the ultimate killing of the canal could have been accomplished is incredible but dela profi table to abo creators of it was within reach president Roosevel ts declaration clears the atmosphere there is nothing uncertain about the tone in which he speaks the sedulously fostered impression of doubt and dissension is dispelled enemies of the project roust begin all over again HIGHER RATES FOR MONEY henry clews in his latest financial ietter speaks of the excellent crop prospects and financial outlook the publication after the market closed on tuesday of the government crop report contained the promise of exceptionally tio nally favorable harvests removing to a measurable degree tho recent fears of damage to the corn and spring wheal chops and confirming the report that a largo and profitable winter wheat crop has already been gathered in addition there have as factors ip tle stock market been tha successful flotation of another large loan by japan the increase in the annual of tha BalU moro ohio whereby that road now enters the 5 per cent dividend paying list another favorable statement of foreign trade which Is of importance in connection with the money market of the immediate future the surplus reserves of tho new york clearing house banks according to last weeks statement had fallen to about and with the withdrawal from the banks of government funds which under he latest call of the secretary of the treasury has been completed there is every indication that a period of higher rates for money Is at hand time money Is already showing evidence of this condition and shenew japanese loan must also be accorded its due significance as a money market influence the new loan means that are to be taken out of the worlds markets by japan and the important point in connection with it Is the uncertain manner in which this money will be used the fact that it was necessary to float a new loan may be considered good evidence that japan needs money and that while as deml officially announced she may not call upon the proceeds of the american subscriptions until the autumn she may bo relied upon to continue making liberal drafts on the proceeds of her previous loan that arc on deposit here this balance it is generally understood Is now considerably below aside aiom her entrance among the worlds powers as a farst class military and naval naion the war may also bo considered to have entitled japan to recognition as a financial power and the worlds bading financial centers may now bo looked upon as london paris berlin new york and boklo the last named will unquestionably figure as such during tho immediate future at least and the rapidity of the rise t this eminence is certainly phenomenal at the beginning of the war as a precaution against what dussias Rus sias powerful navy might possibly do the mikado sent his gold reserves to london later finding it necessary to secure the sinews of war he issued two C per cent loans these were received with fauch overwhelming favor that the next tw loans offered were 4 12 1 2 per cents and were both largely oversubscribed an evidence of such great credit that it will bo surprising if the next loan is above a 4 per cent badts but as already stated the tact that japan has fount it necessary to make a new loan seems to indicate that the mikado needs money and this must be considered a potent factor in the international financial situation ajr ing the next few months JOHN WATSON the appointment of john watson to fill the vacancy on the state board of equalization caused by the deathos dea thomas D dee is a fitting tribute to one of ogden s most distinguished alt eizens he has served in a number of public positions always with fidelity and credit he is a thorough business man and therefore peculiarly adapted to the requirements of tho office he will be impartial and high minded in his official services for he Is not built on narrow lines CROPS ARE SAVED the farmers of weber county can be thankful that their neighbors are not of th narrowly selfish type known as water hogs their farms have been threatened with drouth and crop failure was in sight until the water owners along the headwaters of weber river and the water users of tho bench canal in ogden opened wide their gates and allowed the streams to flow down to the parched lands i this is a most admirable spirit on the part of those who could have held back the water but who preferred to make a self sacrifice rather than see their neighbors suffer a complete loss of crops the history of water litigation is tilled with instances of extreme disregard of prior appropriators for the welfare of those possessed of inferior rights but this is quite the reversal of these inconsiderate acts and Is a lesson in the finer amenities of life |