Show chicago new york record many deaths the crest of the warm wave Is now covering tha atlantic pea board the indications re that fair weather with somewhat low er temperatures will prevail in the west and northwest and that scattered showers and slightly lower temperatures will be experienced in the western laks region wednesday chicago july 18 after thirty one persons had been prostrated and ten of them bad died during the hottest day up to date this summer a breath ot cool air relieved chicago last night the relief was short lived after a few hours the wind veered again and the heat was intense throughout the early morning hours cooler weather Is declared to be in store for the latter part of the week the maximum temperature of yesterday 94 equaled the record of last dimmer which by odd coincidence as made on the same day july 17 yo relief from the hot wave was experienced today the temperature just equaling the high figures of yesterday the humidity being slightly increased railroads are unable to get ice into chicago fast enough to supply delivery companies As a result buffering has been much increased especially in the congested districts TEN DEATHS IN NEW YORK new york july 18 late returns from the hospitals show ten as the total dead from yesterdays terrific heat in and about new york more than cases of prostration were reported by the police everywhere in the city thousands of persons spent the night on roofs and doorsteps the park benches were crowded sleep was almost out of the ques oa except under the most favor ble conditions particularly on the east side and in the quarter known as the tenderloin no relief is promised by the weather forecasters and as the humidity rose rapidly during the night the outlook for today was serious during the early hours ot the morning owing to a strike inaugurated by icamen icemen in the employ of the american ice company discomforts comforts dis ot the heat wave will be magnified today in many sections atthe city where it is feared the strikers will attempt to prevent others from taking tasir I 1 brooklyn seemed to rom the beat even more than manhattan seven of the dead lived thera and the ambulance service for all the hospitals worked almost incessantly eleven calls were received in twenty five minutes the mercury continued to rise rapidly reaching 95 degrees at 2 fourteen deaths and more than two score serious prostrations prost rations have been reported the humidity dropped to 36 when the thermometer registered 85 an attempt of ice men to use the hot weather tor a strike which started last night did not cause the suffering anticipated today only fifty men ail of whom were helpers left work today the wagon drivers kept at work HOTIN BALTIMORE baltimore july 18 the mercury rose several degrees higher than it did yesterday and this was the hottest day of the year the death list was more than doubled even in the morning and prostrations prost rations were continuous an hour before noon the weather bureau had recorded a temperature pera ture of 91 five degrees hotter than at tha same hour yesterday five deaths had occurred up to that tame the coolest hour since the record beat of yesterday was at 7 this morning when the government thermometer registered 77 even that temperature pera ture caused as much suffering a the later and higher temperatures because early in the morning the humidity was it dropped rapidly as the mercury rose from 72 to 87 t SUFFERING INTENSE philadelphia july 18 hot wave promises to be a record breaker for this summer at 8 this morning the government thermometer on top of the building registered 85 degrees 9 higher than at the same hour yesterday the buffering among the poorer people Is intense last night hundreds of persons slept on the root of their homes there ie little hope of an immediate break in the hot spell at 3 the official thermometer lad reached 98 degrees there waa one death and several prostrations prost rations during the afternoon WARM IN BOSTON boston july 18 the heat which acquired new energy late yesterday continued today alta promise of nearing the record mark for the summer curing the night the mercury did not EQUITABLE STOCK control has been conveyed to the life assurance society new york july 18 the major tty stock carrying the controlling interest in the equitable life assurance society which was acquired by thomas F allyan berrr chase froia james H hyde has been formally transferred to the board of trustees Is headed by former president grower cleveland this announcement was biedie today by george F parker secretary of the equitable trustees so 70 and it began to rise with ahe dawn by 10 it stood at temperature in various parts or the city however was above 80 at the same hour tho humidity today was below normal and there was a light breeze DEATHS IN CLEVELAND cleveland july 18 extreme er continues in this city during past twelve hours there were four prostrations prost rations and one death from the heat at ll 11 a m the mercury had reached 85 and the local weather bu reau forecasts a maximum of 8 5 WARMEST DAY IN BALT IMORE baltimore md july 18 today is the warmest of the present summer so tar the thermometer having reached 92 degrees at 10 a m with the humidity at 91 there has been one death from the heat in this city sweltering IN MICHIGAN detroit july 18 detroit and lower michigan are sweltering again today at 10 the weather bureau reported 87 degrees A breeze soma what tempered the heat today one prostration was reported PITTSBURG ROASTING pittsburg july 18 oppressive heat continues in pittsburg and vicinity before noon today the mercury bad registered 85 and the forecaster predicted that all records will be broken RECORD BROKEN madison wis july 18 all records for continuous heat here have been broken during the past three days the mercury has risen above 96 dally NEBRASKA IS WARM lincoln neb july 18 mrs J B pickerel died yesterday as a result of the heat she was at the railway station ready to start tor a summer resort WILL BE 95 IN washington washington july 18 at 1 today the thermometer registered 93 with indications that the maximum would be about 95 at 4 RESULT OF WHITE SLAVERY why a french girl killed her para mour new york july 18 berthe the french girl indicted for murder in the first degree yesterday by the grand jury for killing emel gendron pleaded not guilty today and was remanded tor trial the girl says that for six years past gendron made her lead an immoral life and that she killed him to escape this slavery sympathetic women have retained legal counsel for her dur ingher trial which will probably be at the fall term STEAMER RELEASED new york july 18 the british steamer indrani detained at quarantine yesterday for examination for symptoms of bubonic plague among the crew was allowed to proceed to her dock today under her own officers and a new crew the regular crew comprising forty eight and lascara lascars La scars was taken to hoffmans island tor observation the indrani came from chinese and japan ese ports NO dissolution IN SIGHT parliament will continue during j heated period london july 18 premier balfour has dissipated the hopes of his opponents ot an early dissolution ospar ll ament at a meeting of unionists today the premier urged his supporters to be regular in their attendance at the house of commons so as to prevent the defeat of the government as the result of a snap division he pointed out that a dissolution in august would be inconvenient to the house and to the country the premier said he did not anticipate any trouble in bringing the session to a close during the week ending aug james chamberlain in a brief speech said that while he formerly differed from mr balfour on the of an early dissolution he now thought there was no good reason why parliament should be dis solved at noon |