Show ON THE BRINK OF DEATH motor cycle riders narrowly escape a fatality those who have attended tho ogden saucer track and haye seen the motors tear around at frightful speed have wondered what would happen t an accident occurred the great momentum the impression that a rider would be killed it his machine turned over with him or became controllable but what appears to bai certain death is only a delusion as was demonstrated at the salt lake saucer track lasta night A sau lake paper describes the seen as follows arm in arm with T M samuelson eddie smith last night again tottered on this brink of de ath almost long enough to get a at the other side while byci ians held their breath expecting passed beyond in spite of the warnings in spite of the knowledge that nearly a dozen bicycle alders have met death in the last couple of bears for a few paltry dollars four riders started in a race which aiom a betting standpoint was even money some one would be killed that there was not can be set down as one of those strange freaks of that thing called luck for absolutely nothing else in the world saved two riders from instant death in the second mile T M samuel sons motor walls traveling at a clip punctured its rear tire before the speed could be cut oft samuelson fell and in doing so was knocked clear off the revolving machinery of the engine earl staley coming a few feet behind by luck pure and simple dodged the mix up and passed beyond to a clear track in safety eddie smith a few feet behind staley hit sam gelsone uel sone machine but dodged the rider that occurred at the cast side of the track just entering the stretch anuth and his machine slid along the track clear around to the north turn i distance of over feet before both rolled to the bottom of the track smith like samuelson fell clear of hig machine both men lay at the bottom of the track while their machines with full power on were plowing up the ground near the running board spectators and officials ran to their assistance and picked them up and neither man was hurt that is physically but if a mind reader had been at hand he would probably have announced that two of salt lakes alka ridera were badly scared to say nothing of the condition of Staley 6 mind ed heagren had broken down an instant before the accident and had just dropped down on the cement to get off his machine when the accident happened or he too would have been in the mix up staley continued the race alone and was called from the track and given first money quarter mile amateur final West wilcox castro time three mile lap professional samuelson downing bardgett hopper almo two mile lap handicap amateur west scratch hume scratch red nan scratch george 55 yards time 5 breaking worlds record of 5 unlimited match pursuit team agraz and leyland acorn and heagren burels and gunn distance miles i 12 1 2 lap time alve milo open motor race given arst while balance of money was split between samuelson smith and Hc agran account of accident amalgamated MUST OBEY butte july 18 orders have been served upon J D ryan managing director for the amalgamated copper mining company in montana commanding him to appear before federal judge hunt and show cause athy he should not be punished st contempt for the alleged of an injunction restraining the parrott mining company of the amalgamated from further mining in the noted blue vein in controversy between the pairott and tho nipper companies the utter concern being owned by the helmae company tho order of judge hunt is mado in the suit of the nipper company against alie parrott for damages for the alleged of ore from territory claimed by the nipper company |