Show INCREASED OAR SERVICE opening of the new line on wall avenue street car service was opened this morning elong wall to twenty third street two cart are making a m aute service from ahe rcck hotel to ohp depot at ane corner of wall and twenty fifth they pasi and con inua on to tha end 0 the run aha opening the new line has been received by the ind people living iu via neighborhood with approbation it ie now po geibl for the in that section to board a car come up town or so to their homes eat lunch and return the limits 0 the prescribed hour the manager of warehouse stated haac the new filled a long fek want the new car increases ohp total rolling stock of transit company to nine cars this Is one car more than hae ear been run in the ogden bervice eer vice kour men motormen and tivo conductors have chargot ocho eitra woi AS soon a with the n G W la settled tho line will extend up twenty third street to lincoln over to twenty second siren near the tabernacle connecting with the main une on |