Show JUVENILE COURT judge patton reviews the work during the year the first report of the juvenile court since its creation in june 0 this ha ben submitted by judge patton including the number of cases hi degree of badness the disposition of the boys and girla lu the six months of th court tr ecord the effect of the work don among atie erring dren judge pattona Pat fona message and report is here given in full to the honorable juvenile court commission in pursuance to the statue creating juvenile courts I 1 hereby submit my report for the term ending december 1905 when asked last april to accept the position of judge ot the juvenile court for chii city and county I 1 had but a limited conception of the power for good in such a court I 1 had everything to learn but with an innate love for children it soon became apparent to me ahat punishment for of the law is not what Is required so much as to get these children to respect themselves it they respect themselves respect tor and adults as well aa their juvenile associates will follow almost immediately it Is true that are some so constituted that somewhat severe measures are necessary to sot them to thinking once get a child to think about life as it la and a start has been made which if followed up will lead lo 10 a path of rectitude these children are not at heart disposed to be criminals but are the victims of environments the of cases following in this report will show some cases which would appear to contradict the above statement but invariably upon ing a child that when in the juvenile court he is with his friends he will open his heart and make good resolutions for his future conduct formerly the state industrial school was regarded as a place of punishment ish ment but I 1 am very happy to state that in recent years it has become a well regulated home a home where best principles are impressed upon the youthful minds however notwithstanding this fact there Is a need for a detention home a place where children without homes may be cared tor in a proper manner there is now a prospect that the efforts of superintendent and this court will be crowned with success in this matter there are many whom we might call slight offenders who should not be sent to the state industrial school and yet who need care and better surrounding such a course will prevent their growing to be criminal report of cases handled by the juvenile court of ogden city utah robbery 1 assault with intent to commit robbery 1 burglary S assault and battery 1 t 3 disturbing the peace 23 malicious mischief 11 incon H vagrancy G begging 3 smoking cigarettes 3 frequenting saloons 3 frequenting pool looms 6 petit larceny a 57 truancy i 7 cruelty to animals leading teams untied 7 trespassing Tres passing 2 violating the bicycle 5 resisting an officer 1 complaints filed by parents on charge of disobedience 2 number of juveniles under suspended sentence ien tence and on probation number discharged 67 number sent to state industrial school IS number sent to deaf and dumb school 1 number sent to crittenton home 5 number persons brought before the court for contributing to aelen of juveniles 7 alney imposed by court 7 amount of fines paid into this court amount expended by cobit amount turned over to city treasurer 1425 besides these cases there have been about fifty cases settled out 0 court and amicable relations established among the belligerents wo have been much more fortunate in aliis city about attacks upon the juvenile cobit than in some other cities our people seem to appreciate the work being done true here are a few but invariably when they can be persuaded to look into the work they are converted the bright faces that coma before the court each saturday to make reports of their conduct for the week preceding will convince andoy who may the scano that they are better boys and girls then too to hear them aay that they have quit all the bad things they formerly did convinces the officers of the court that great good has been done women lovo a clear healthy complexion pl exion pure blood makes it burdock blood bitters makes pure blood |