Show FAMOUS WOMAN DEAD chicago dec 8 mrs feruando chicago pioneer died last night at the family residence death was caused by heart failure induced by jaundice mrs jones jane grahame Ira hame waa boru in dublin Ii elaud an a hemli of he scotch ansh branch af the family aich had as its chief bamm jamm brahame Sra hame duke of mont lose ip she was married lo 10 fernando ones ia for moro than fifty jones 4 alth for 1 he city ab vas the founder of tle century club and the of the aiex hospital hospi ial more than a ago was due partly to her effort r the passage of the woman s law in the face of violent brought about by her Mrs Jonca had the personal friendship of many notable of the last century cen it is said to have been partly be canso ot her appeals that general gram wrote his memoirs |