Show GENIAL HOST ROUND OF MIX UP tony did hot very genial host to invited guests at the place he calls home at twenty eighth street and pacific avenue yesterday afternoon and as a result of the fight that followed he together with edwrd landed at the station about 4 on n charge of disturbing the peace tony invited who ares near by to have ft drink with him and shortly asked fitz to brine his wife and call to see his house this altz did the trio according to the story told by the police then had a round ol 01 drinks jut what happened between that timo and the time the police arrived on the scene seems to be up pita imald that tony was enough to accuse hi wife of taking money from him and that he had to take her part there was a mix up in which eltz says tony used an axe he a small wound on the right arm in proof of his statement the wound was juat above the elbow and bled profusely after italian and fitz bad settled their little difficulty it appears from the trying pan into the fire and got into another row with his wife borne of the men the railroad yards heard tho scuffle and took a hand in the meantime the police were summoned and arrived on the acene mrs was at the time of the arrival ot the police standing between one ot be railroad em dloyce and her husband evidently bent upon preventing any further gentl wag locked up for the night and put up 23 for his appearance in court |