Show FEW CASES CHEER FEVER FIGHTERS new orleans la sept 17 official report at 6 p mi vew cases 4 total to date 2671 8 2 total to date new fool C under treatment cases discharged tao comparatively few cases re sorted today added additional encouragement to those in charge of the fever campaign conff the new cases la div 0 M of Sar ataria the physician who ier in charge of tha district of up pera Bor ataxia in jefferson pariah he reported the existence of the fever la that territory and was placed in i charge by he detate board of health Hen novel to that territory from north damoto a few years ago and owns 4 plantation there he came to tha city sunday morning and was aalten to the etner gency hospital ho aoa only a case two cases from the charity hos wt ilch came from St arder la 1 in parish taba nw orleans Or Jeans pw county reports wera bennor ebeo new caw and one death la Cro astas two new caama la bose ong talmah nine naw se new cases terre sooae tiro dayd twenty ne cages banatt IS DEAD manila sait 17 chief t WS outlaws that nate been active in he province of the pant year Is dead surrounded rounded eur near the border of tha province of Batan gaso recently ty the constabulary felizardo Fell jumped over a cliff and was kaled his death it Is believed will end disturbances in on january 4 padrones ladrones La drones led by felizardo lizardo re and attacked the town of san francisco de malabon looted the municipal treasury and killed contract surgeon J A oneal and abducted the wife and two children of governor fighter IS KILLED mexico city sept 17 victor martl nez known here as hundred fights martinez has been killed after a long career of violence rought satur da night with juan henandez He mandez in a saloon the two men drew knives and martinezcas Martine in the heart MILWAUKEE THEATER SEASON milwaukee ala sept 17 the keawn at the pabst amato i fidor the of leon nei opened onich with the production of berhart o iima bichai i kramek this waa bi fari of fhe play ip n emp marx appeared in the he role as and camilla in etar seat n atif was alsen the ifert will av that IP success of be p ec ram in |