Show AMERICAN manufacturers OBJECT washington sept 14 the state dc ment today received ons by telegraph and mail from a ozen points in this country machinery Is manlutac irad protesting against what t he aders declare lo 10 be a blow at their by the Argen lne duties on parts ot machinery it appears that american machines re sold in argentina at a very low burc in consideration of he fact lat the manufacturers made consider alc profits after the sale in arts or the machines to replace those or worn out in use the department has not so far been advised of the levying of this uty and in fact it la not yet clear nether the action complained ot Is ally the imposition of a new duty or a new executive construction f the regular tariff act so air beaure the american minister at buenos yrea has been called on by the de artmont to report the facts in the ase and it the case is one that prop aly can be taken up the argentine will be addressed |