Show j I 1 v the knuti household remedy for cuts burns champi adal all bowel complaints this sale a sure sign of excellence 1540 million bottles budweiser sold since 1875 this exceeds the output of all other bottled beers there must be some reason for this popularity and if you will taste a bottle of budweiser know for yourself budweiser is brewed and bottled only at the home plant of tho anheuser busch brewing st louis U S A orders promptly filled by becker brewing maltha co distributors utah corked or tin capped ministerial MATINEE to witness first play ever put on american stage by clergyman chicago sept 14 A matinee was held at ter today by invitation of william brady and joseph R grismer for ce ministers ol 01 all denominations to v ness a performance of As ye sow by rev john snyder and ati first plax written by a minister eor presented on an american stage thara was over 1000 ministers at the nidai nee which was given hem the theater being closed 0 o the paying public the play was caroly received WORSE THAN THE DISEASE the effects of SIer cury and potash art worse than the effects of contagious blood poison for which these re fyne rally used they cannot curs the disease and in addition set up a poison of their own producing dyspepsia b drying ap the gastric juices sore mercurial rheumatism and necrosis of the bones bowline U reon ky house alered greatly arora a severe caso of con i blood rolson I 1 went to biot staying there four months at a s bay I 1 then consulted phyan fas who lao roary uoti i did aaa anny rood in fact the arct amont harmful than beneal li dial thus I 1 continued to K years I 1 mentioned lay caso to a briw who tod that a S S had cured falia 1 at commenced its use and in Bian oatha could find no whatever wha tevor this wa sabon two years niro aad there has been na D M S S S a remedy made from roots herbs and barks is the only known antidote for contagious blood poison it thoroughly and permanently the poison from the blood so that no si ga is ever seen of the disease in S S S builds up instead of tearing dowa the system as do mercury and potash and when it has cured the disease every part of the body has been toned W by us and tonic effects b S S also removes any effects of mineral treat 5 56 T fot bof proof that aurely VEGETABLE S S S conta a particle 01 mercury potash or any other mineral home treatment book and any advice will be given without charge THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO atlanta ci |