Show SAN UNFAIR TO OGDEN SALT LAKE GIVEN AN AGE IN FREIGHT RATES weber club will take up the suk hect of the discrimination from fridays standard it has come to light that since the san padro road acquired possession of the oregon line to the south ot salt lake ogden has been discriminated against in regard to freight rates giving the salt lake jobbers an advantage over the local jobbers which while it has not as yet seriously affected the business done by tha local firms has given the salt lakers an advantage that in time might result in the loss of a large amount of tha business now done by local jobbers in the territory south of silt lake previous to the time when the pedro road secured possession of tha oregon short line south of salt lake the same freight rate was in force on the short line and the rio grande from ogden and salt lake to all points south of salt lake this put the ogden jobbers on an equal footing with salt lake in that territory to points to the north of ogden the common rates were in force which meant that both to the north and the south salt lake and ogden were on an equal basis in relation to the business of the two sections with the opening of the san pedro and los angeles road came a change in the freight rates from ogden to south of salt lake which put the ogdan merchants at a disadvantage and gave to the salt lake jobbers the opportunity of cutting prices in tho territory where formerly the ogden and salt lake jobbers had been equals at tha same time the rates to points to tha north of ogden were in no way changed and in that territory thae salt lake jobber was still on an equal tooting with the ogden jobber tha luo grande western made no change in the tariff rates to coln ts to the bouth of salt lake and the sama rates that were in force previous to tha short line transferring its road to the south of salt lake to the san pedro are still operative A number of the local jobbers have met and discussed the matter of thai discrimination on the part of the san pedro road against this city it was decided to refer the matter to the weber club and at a meeting to be held next week some action will be taken with a view to bringing the matter to the attention of the san pedro officials and forming some kind of an agreement by which ogdan will be given ai equal opportunity with salt lake in the an pedro territory |