Show RUSSIA TELLS DETAILS OF negotiations st petersburg aug 31 the gov has issued the following explaining tho course negotiations month of june the emperor consented to accept the proposition of president roosevelt or a conference 0 russian ana japanese aries in order to ascertain how far it was possible tor the two powers to determine conditions of peace this important mission was entrusted to M witte and baron de rosen who received full powers by virtue of which they could in the event of the acceptability of the japanese propositions proceed to tha conclusion of a treaty of peace it was mutually agreed that the negotiations should take in american territory tha first interview between the plenipotentiaries took place at oyster bay on aug ath and the conference opened at portsmouth on aug ath at the second sitting the japanese plenipotentiaries presented alons of peace as elaborated at tokio considering that several of these conditions were absolutely fable according to the instructions given the russian plenipotentiaries and that the wording of the conditions were interpretable as a detriment to russian interests M watte proposed a detailed discussion of each point separately ara tely having devoted several sittings thereto the russian plenipotentiaries came to the conclusion that an agreement was unattainable on tour points whereupon the japanese diaries declared their to ask for complementary instructions with the view of finding a conciliatory outcome to the serious difficulties that had arisen after communicating with boklo the japanese plenipotentiaries intimated that they renounced firstly the question of the limitation of the russian naval force in the far east and secondly the delanu for the surrender 0 the interned war enlas but they continued to demand the cession of the island of sakhalin Sak halin and the payment of an indemnity in accordance with the instructions they bad received the russian positively rejected these last demands declaring that they could not continue to discuss the other conditions of peace it japan continued to insist on the payment of the expenses of the war taking it to consideration that auch a state of the negotiations could only lead to rupture president roosevelt decided to address to the emperor through ambassador meyer appealing 0 o ahja maje humanitarian sentiments and asking that he consent to accept a new japanese proposal in order to avoid further bloodshed athla proposal was that russia in view of the actual position of sak halin on account of japanese descent on the island agreed to cede to japan the southern part belonging to her up lo 10 1875 the northern part to ba returned to russia in consideration of the payment of yen about in expressing to president roosevelt his gratitude tor the efforts made to aid in restoring peace his majesty eald ho could not find it possible to accept the aforementioned proposals which were de facto equivalent to the payment of an indemnity thus after the abiva bad bean inserted in tha protocol the sittings of the plenipotentiaries were terminated so tar as regards the questions looking to peace which will serve as the basis of a final treaty of peace between russia and japan |