Show B r IT B fl 1 ff 7 m af i POLICE UNEARTH SOME ING FACTS mart supposed to have murdered wife writes compromising love let ter to woman of underworld from saturdays standard evidence was unearthed by the police yesterday that in their opinion positively establishes the identity of the man arrested here thursday on of being percy J luster the man wanted for wife murder at guthrie ky as being tao much hunted man so satisfied are the police oyer what they have unearthed that they resting upon their oars waiting for the man to confess the crime in searching tha mans effects yesterday a visiting card in the name of mrs percy J luster was found in one of the mans vest pockets on the bacic of this card was the note dated on christmas day december 25 1903 my dear husband slay you always write sweet things to me your true wife ella in addition to this a pullman car berth check reading from guthrie to nashville a card advertising a revival meeting in guthrie and a tag from a drug firm in tenn addressed to mr percy J luster guthrie ky was also found the search also revealed two boxes of cartridges one on e of which had not been opened and the other partly empty the cartridges were 32 calabre and contained steel bullets mrs lusters death was caused by a steel bullet when the prisoner was confronted with this evidence he broke down and wept as though his heart would break and admitted that he was tho man wanted but he refused to say that ha hilled the woman to whom he had been married tor a number of lus teris 40 years of age yesterday morning notwithstanding his admissions of the night before luster claimed that he was a newspaperman named H B sample hailing from memphis tenn and his appearance pe arance led the authorities to think that the man as perhaps insane this thought has been to a great degree banished it now being thought that the prisoners queer actions arc the result of excessive drinking all day yesterday luster refused food and last evening called for whiskey claiming that be was sick his appearance as he lay upon the iron floor of his cell supported his claim and he was ghen attention looks were that of a person whose vitality had nearly all been sapped by many long hours of suffering when fellow was taken from his cell to the office of the chief of police last evening he held doggedly to the story that he had not committed the crime which they trying to fasten upon him each time that a reference to his murdered ite was laade be broke down and wept it has developed that luster was in ihas city tor several days prior to his arrest coming here from salt lake supposed by the authorities of th place where the crime was com luster had gone to mexico and his whereabouts were not known until he landed here he was not long in this city until he located a woman in a house of prostitution tit ution with whom be was evidently acquainted before to her ho intimated strongly that he had committed some crime and later on this knowledge was given to the police who at once went to work on the case when luster was arrested he had on his person a letter addressed to the aaroe woman this letter is considered the most damaging evidence that has as yet been secured and shows that it was the mans intention to leave ogden the day after the arrest was effected BO that his arrest was most timely the name of the party to whom the letter was addressed is withheld by the police the letter in full is as follows 1 I love you you were mean and ruel to make me tell you As mean as I 1 am I 1 wanted to make you think mo good and now 1 I ought to have been only jolly with you and never have intimated anything as I 1 did to make you find out I 1 had wished vain I 1 had hoped foolish I 1 had longed with a heart aching and crying out in its intensity of de elife but bow utterly impossible it was forgive me but I 1 love you although it is over now at the end letyne lay one offering at your feet although from a sinful heart a criminal life a blackened soul only worth spur scorning you let me lay jt th ere I 1 cannot now ask you to accept it but believe me I 1 love you better than I 1 ever did and I 1 did give her the full measure of an honest mans life I 1 never even went to see women until no nor drank nor any of these things no it was not her fault it way all mine the ghost I 1 told you I 1 fel deltwas one day on the train she came and kissed me she was with roe one whole day but never again never more dont come to the depot tomorrow f as you did I 1 cannot bear the scorn of your clear eyes tho look pure face on me again you were cruel to make me tell you I 1 will do as I 1 told you stay here quietly till train time andt ben go except that I 1 must take a walk to try and tire roe enough to step I 1 will have to savo my little now it you could send tomorrow by your porter that peppermint I 1 would be glad but dont come I 1 cant ever look you in tho face again I 1 longou lov gou FRANK er of newspapers which were in of the supposed ho was apprehended to contain articles bearing upon and his own alsap that luster was on the situation medium As far as is known ac only reward offe lusters apprehension Is that ans offered by relatives of the murdered woman although it Is stated th abc the state has also offered t reward the former reward Is in the sum of will go to tho local police who unraveled the case A telegram waa received by chief browning late yesterday afternoon from P L burns chief of police at ln answer to a message sent the previous evening asking for lustra description the message was as follows P J luster wanted will advise description in few hours to the officers yesterday luster stat cd thai he would return to kentucky without the necessary requisition papers it the local authorities advised him that it was best to do so the fact that his identity has been established beyond a doubt and that the man Is willing to return without papers will be communicated to the guehne police today and it la anticipated that an officer will bo started from there at once to take the prisoner back tor trial |