Show stream of lava is a k K TT ulf mountain sail francisco august 14 A special dispatch to the chronicle from reno nev says A volcano throwing off molten lava and in active operation has been discovered in nevada by mcclura wheeler and sommers cattlemen 0 lovelock the volcano is located in rye patch humboldt county although that section has been traversed tor years the crater has just been found for the first time the men were in search of cattle when they came upon the stream of lava and tracing it to its source located the volcano yol cano the rocks for some distance around were BO hot that they could not touch them with their bare hands the volcano I 1 active this is attested by the fact that distinct rum beings accompany the flow of lava JAPANESE steamships are to be returned to the commercial service san francisco aug 14 tho toyo aisen calsha steamship line is about to resume business batweda here and the orient it has been officially announced that the steamship america would leave yokohama for this port on or about september 16 and from that time the regular service of this line will be resumed the two other steamships belonging to this company the nippon and hong kong will go into service as soon as they can be put in condition they have been out of commission tor over a year shortly after the war between russia and japan broke out these three vessels were changed into auxiliary cruisers and have since been in charge of the government ern ment now they are once more turned back to the steamship company which will put them back into the passenger service ACCIDENT TO cousins of the president injured in a runaway fayville sayville Sa L I 1 august 14 gladys and eugenie roosevelt cousins 0 president roosevelt acro injured in a runaway here today gladys probably fatally tha girls arc daughters of john E roosevelt an uncle of the president gladys being 16 years of age and eugence 18 both are accustomed to handle spirited horses but during their daily drive today their horse drawing a high cart ran away and dashed the vehicle against a tree gladys who drove tha horse was thrown against the tree head first and SEEKING AID FOR JEWS portsmouth august 14 jacob fich lff of kuhn loeb co oscar strauss and isaac seligman will arrive this afternoon for an inter view already arranged with mr watte on the jewish question in russia air witto Is prepared to explain to them the attitude of tho russian government the present situation and the legislation in contemplation regarding the jews mr and nta companions will remain hero over night it Is ly stated that no question of a russian loan is involved was picked up unconscious phyll clans who worked over her tor halt an hour were to revive her and believed her skull nas fractured HARRIMAN OFFERS TO SETTLE willing to pay kentucky for back taxes san francisco august 14 the examiner says today since the arrival of president harriman of the southern pacific company in this city it has become known that he has the kentucky authorities to settle the tax dispute of the company with that state and with jefferson county in which louisville is situated and in which the company maintains an office the claim of the state and county Is for unpaid taxes amounting to for the years between 1900 and 1905 inclusive mr harriman claims that all taxes up to two years ago were paid to the then state auditor and that the present auditor A J bajot is demanding taxes dating back into a previous regime TO PROTECT NEBO GATOFF japanese claim the admiral was forced to surrender victoria B C aug 14 japanese newspapers say that baron komura has been charged with seeing that an article Is included in the peace treaty a guarantee of immunity from punishment or degradation for admiral Nebo gatoff vernacular papers say sympathy is felt tor the admiral who has with russian displeasure for surrendering bla vessels when according to japanese naval officers it ads impossible for him to continue fighting FRAUD ORDER judge of circuit court denies petition for injunction st louis august 14 judge of the circuit court has denied the amended petition filed by the peoples U S thank of st louis asking for an injunction prohibiting tho enforcement of a fraud order issued against that corporation by the united states postal authorities LOOKS LIKE MURDER woman drank bottle of ale and died portland ore aug 14 it Is the I 1 belief of coroner fanley that mrs minnie van dran who died yesterday after drinking a bottle of ginger ale was a victim of foul play mrs van dran was the wife of kasper van dron a saloon keeper who was recently shot and dangerously wounded by a rival in business chemical analysis made today of the contents of the comans womans stomach and of the remainder of the liquid in the bottle from which she drank show the presence of a large quantity of prussic abeld when mrs van dran died it was believed that the ale became poisoned through carelessness in the process of making complaints AGAINST INSURANCE COMPANIES new york aug 14 thousands of letters from persons who are dissatisfied with the treatment they have received from organizations in which they or their relatives arc insured aro being sent to the legislative committee appointed to investigate the new york insurance companies these epistles are being sent to the office of james mckeen counsel for the committee and a complaint will be tabulated with the name of the criticizing criticising critic ising for use in the coming investigation chairman armstrong of the committee will return to new york today as will also mckeen they will go over the frick and hondricks reports on the equitable life assurance society and determine upon the method by which they may supplement tho information contained in those documents NEW LAW FIRM buffalo N Y aug 14 it is understood in legal circles of the new york state supreme court that justice edward W hatch Is about to resign from the bench to enter a law firm to be known aa parker sheehan and falatach fa latch the other members of the fann being former judge alton B parker and william E sheehan it had been understood since judge parkers defeat for the presidency that be would form a partnership with mr sheehan as they had tacitly made an arrangement ot this kind conten gent on parkers defeat tho new firm it Is said will begin operations september 1 association FOOTBALL new york august 14 on top of the announcement that the tour of the corinthian association football club of england has been declared oft comes the news that a picked english tam of players will visit this country this fall this team will bo under the management of G H murray of london and will include such well known players ar sir charles kirkpatrick dr roose victor fetchie P the faro field brothers pred mills and G B pry sir edward cochrane a keen supporter of the game in england has donated a silver cup valued at for a gama to be played by the visiting team and a picked canadian eleven the metropolitan association football league has received an offer tor a game to be played in new york on saturday october 14 it is tha intention ot the visiting team to play games in qui bee montreal ottawa peterborough Peter borough toronto and winnipeg Winne peg in canada and chicago boston new york and philadelphia in the united states three camei have already boon arranged in philadelphia and will be played under the auspices of the germantown cricket club in view of the fact that harvard columbia and other colleges have taken up association football an effort will be made to arrange a game between the visitors and an eleven picked from the which have association teams |