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Show RICHMOND The James Hendricks Camp, Daughters of Pioneers, held their regular monthly meeting at the Pioneer building Friday. The les- son, "Songs Composed and Sung by the Utah Pioneers" was given by Fannie Sorenson. Two pioneer hymns were sung by H. S. Webb and Lona Smith. Two pioneer folk songs were sung by Clifford Simp--son of Smithfield. Mrs. Leonard Mathews of Woodland, Wood-land, Cal., is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Sorenson. A group of friends and relatives of Mrs. William F. Smith gathered gather-ed at her home Friday afternoon in compliment to her birthday Anniversary. A social afternoon was spent and a delicious lunch '.served. Mrs. L. O. Sorenson entertained Saturday, honoring her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Mathews. The after- building Monday at 8 p. m. A good program has been arranged and a prize will be given to the grade having most parents in attendance. at-tendance. Mrs. Eliza Eriekson and daughter daugh-ter Mildred, entertained a group of friends Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Leonard Mathews of Woodland, Cal. The afternoon was spent playing Bunco. Prizes were won by Mrs. Afton Hoppie, Mrs. Mildred Means, Mrs. Fannie Sorenson. A lovely gift was presented pre-sented to the honored guest. Luncheon was served to twelve. Mrs. Edith Williams is visiting relatives and friends in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith of Salt Lake City were Richmond visitors last week end. noon was spent playing Bunco. Prizes were won by Mi's. Afton Hoppie, Mrs. Eliza Eriekson and Mrs. Ann Spackman. At Luncheon, covers were laid for sixteen. The Preston Fourth ward choir, under the direction of Mrs. Lucy Hendricks, presented an excellent musical program in. the Richmond ward Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Special speakers for the occasion were Alvin Harris of the Preston Seminary and Casper W. Merrill of the Benson Stake presidency. pre-sidency. Richmond Park school P-T A meeting will be held at the school |