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Show r -I fti) yr ir iflOliliJ1 BY UNCLE BOB of the Kraft Dairy Farm Service We are indebted to the University Univer-sity of Missouri for breaking Furthermore, your Uncle Bob the ice for us in this first item. We is willing to contend that every mean that literally, too. cow should be taught to carry an It seems that cows have more umbrella and I have the proof to sense than us mortals and refuse to back me up. From the Agricul-freeze Agricul-freeze their stomachs with ice water. tural Extension Service of the When they have to drink it, they University of Tennessee comes a take only as much as they need to booklet that tells how feed is get along. Down goes milk produc- wasted when a cow is exposed to tion and up goes the feed bill. winter wind, rain and snow. Missouri suggests that a cow's production can be increased from 25 . to 100 per cent by giving her drink- According to Tennessee's Publica- ing water that is 50 to 60 degrees Won 100, the average 800 lb. cow Fahrenheit. Of course, it's almost uses 7 lbs. of her daily feed for impossible to buy a stock tank heater body maintenance. She uses the now so Missouri suggests you make balance of her feed for milk produc- one out of an old milk can and other tion. When she is exposed to the odds and ends. They have a circular cold, she loses body heat and so she to show you exactly how you can uses for body maintenance some of do it, too. the feed she would otherwise use If 'you're interested, send for for milk production. Circular 484, Agricultural Exten- Of course, Tennessee isn't recom- sion Service, University of Missouri, mending overcoats or umbrellas but Columbia, Mo. the Agricultural Extension Service is recommending good warm shelters. Write for Publication 100, Univer- Pretty soon the cows will be sity of Tennessee, Knoxvillc, Tcnn wanting a hot cup of coffee for t The Alabama Po ytechn.c Insti- breakfast. tu,te,at Auburn, Alabama, agrees wholeheartedly on this matter of proper winter shelter. In Circular Just to refresh your memory, here's 152 Alabama says that the in- the 8-point national milk-produc- creased ml!k. Paction plus he ;(iqjj. manure saved will soon pay for the tion program tor 1944: . , . T. c- -r 1 , , !-.- t, (., cost of inexpensive shelter. So, if 1. Grow more legume hay, pastur- .. , .,, ., e and erain you live anywhere north of the Gulf 2g Fertilized increase quantity and of Mexico you will make money by quality of feed. seemg to j1 tha V are kept 5 t-. a ,-a :n, warm and comfortab e. 3. Feed to avoid summer milk slump. 4. Feed cows liberally during their IJoId 8tiIli BossiCi while t tuck dry period. tnis pillow under your head. 5. Keep as many cows as feed and labor permit. t, , . 6. Market more whole milk when- 1 he human animal s need for ever possible vitamins is pretty well known. 7. Produce good-quality milk and Now the University of Wisconsin avoid waste finds that dairy calves need vita" 8. Breed for better herd replace- mins that lack of vitamins is . one cause of calf losses. For ments. more on this write for booklet called "Calves Need Vitamins," nn, .. . . ... . ... Extension Service, College of 1 he biggest headline m one of the ... . ... ' , , ' . . bb , , Agriculture, University of Wis- latest issues of Stars and Stripes , j. ... , tt . consin, Madison, official U. S. Army newspaper, was "Ice cream sodas soon in European theater of operations". With it, on Ever hear o( a man working hard page 1, was a picture of a heaping alI week and then deliberately tear-dish tear-dish of ice cream. War news was put ing up his pay-check? Neither have in second place. I, and yet thousands of dairy farmers If any dairyman needs additional do aim0St that same thing every inspiration to excel his 1943 milk week jhey work hard, invest their production, this little story should time ancj m0ney in milk production, certainly provide it. Milk and the and then lose tnejr hard-earned pay good old American products made by failing to give the milk proper from milk satisfy a yearning that all protection. our boys have for home-like things. jf you've been having any trouble The dairyman who boosts his w;th sour or off-flavored milk, or if production is doing his part to boost you want to avoid such trouble, 1 the morale of Americans everywhere SUR(;est you send for Farmer's Hulas Hul-as well as their nutrition. etjn isj0 gQ2, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. There is a 5c charge. If we can't get a good argument started any other way, let's take NOTE: There Is uijolly a 5c choree up the question of whether or for pamphjett issued to non-residents of not cows r.c;ed overcoats. N'olh- a ;tatQ. ) A, i-Mcy riind you. A nice fJ4o P -IL p'Jlm:;;:d now and thln by the ISAr; C;,Efc5 COMPANY |