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Show CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE BUY AND SELL Office Furniture. Files. Typewriters. Add-lng Add-lng Machines. Safes. Cash Registers. SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE W West Broadway, Salt Lake. City. Utah. CHICKS FOR SALE WHOLESALE PRICES on CHICKS f AfterMay 6lh. All Denver hatched, i . V. 6. Approved, blood-tested, 11 V;? breeds. AA tirade $10.16, AAA $11.96, VS-C jf HUP Sired m.$. Sexed chicks uLso. -t BrotlerCocJierelsEi.iteir jUO. H'rtt COLORADO HATCHERY, 141 Urimrt Dmvw , i Mountain grown and accli mated . for health and production. U. 8. I approved, U. 8. Pullonim tosted f stock. Heavies, leghorns. All - popularbreeds-SexedorstraiKht run. Capacity over 76,000 weekly. I CM or Writo WHITE LEGHORN SPECIALISTS Over 30 years' production of superior chicks. 1 A 100 pure, top ranking, money making ! ,, Leghorn strain. Straight run, $14.00, or4 pullet chicks, $28.00 per hundred or cockerel , chicks, $5.00 per hundred. Volume discount. ' Order now. Write for factual folder. GRAHAM HATCHERY & PULLET FARM Hayward, Calif. AUTOMOBILES BEST BUYS Check for youiBeU 60 cars to choose from AE makes, all models Trade and Terms Complete line house trailers Morgan Motor and Finance Co. Grant Morgan. Mgr. 714 S. Main St, Salt Lain CltJ PlIQinPIJlES PLANTS 100 TOMATO PLANTS. Assorted varieties. Postpaid $1.00. Reduced prices on larger orders. Lake Mead Farms. Overton, Nev. w i HOSIERY MENDED J Make your stockings last longer. Use Run-Preventer. Run-Preventer. Postpaid 25c (coin). Meyer, 761Mi Wilcox Ave., Los Angeles, California. j IFbm Protect and ease abrased skin with MexsanS, the ("HflFF soothing, medicated pow- j VII ttl la rler. Also relieve burning, AN N OYS itching, of irritated skin. 1 -Bf Many I'M 0tt fj 'nsecfs WNU-W . 2044 Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys are constantly filtering waste master from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work do not act aa Nature intended fail to remove re-move impurities that, if retained, may Eoiaon the By stem and upset the whole ody machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puflinesa under the eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other sygns of kidney or bladder disorder dis-order are sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan'a Pillg. Doan't have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ak your neighbor! |