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Show CLASSIFIED Ji2NEYWAN HIGHEST PKICES"T- -ii any quantltylarse : o?"' nS OFFICEJ0UiPKm,T NEW AND U8KD dZJ7TT- USED CARS-TRAILF"T! - Liberal ACaa JESSE M. CHA8B Buy Sell t..j J5J So. Main Street , chemicaTanaiP Wheat tested for Drotain ti 7 analysU of Feeder?,! U J? PETERSON LABORATOr7 When you hear a Marine called a "Leatherneck," it has nothine; to do with the epidermis ot to neck. Years ago the Marine uniform uni-form was equipped with a hl-n stiff leather collar supposed to give a more military carriage. From that time on, "Leatherneck" "Leather-neck" has been the word tor 1 Marine. The word for his favorite cigarette is "Camel" the favorite favor-ite cigarette also of men in tie Army, Navy, and Coast Guaii (Based on actual sales records from service men's stores.) So if you want to make a hit with jib friends or relatives in the service, send a carton of Camels. Yo'ir local dealer is featuring Camel cartons for service men. Adv, To Relieve distress from M0NTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vesetaw Compound to help relieve monUUi pain, backache, headache, wjn ' weak, nervous feellngs-d" monthly functional disturbances. Taken regularly thruout month - Pinkham's CompoM? helps build up resistance ! such distress of 'difficult days. Thousands upon thousands (US; and women have reported graio ing benefits. Follow label directlon-Well directlon-Well worth tryingl J wnu w Si HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN, UTAH S 151 Room-SS0 B.tlu - " F.mllr Ro ' P""" ' ' Air Cooled Lwni" B(-Dlnlni B(-Dlnlni Room CoffK Shop Homo 0' Rot.rr - KiMEiTi.jV Chunlxr ol Commorco " I Hotel Ben Lomond I OGDKN. UTAH I nob.rt k. vuicfcW |