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Show USAC ADJUSTS PROGRAM TO WARTIME Broad Curriculum Meets Both Peace and Wartime jy'eeds New Students Register Re-gister September 25. Every part of the regular work 8t Utah State Agricultural college will go forward this year according accord-ing to an official statement from president's office, and it is expected that certain courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry w(l engineering, particularly important im-portant to the war effort, will register unusually large groups of students. With its broad curriculum schedule sched-ule which meets both war and peace-time needs remarkably well, new students will register for their 1942-43 academic studies on Friday, Fri-day, September 25, with former students scheduled to fill out en-, en-, rollment blanks Saturday, September Sep-tember 26. Prior to registration, new students stu-dents will meet with college officials offi-cials in special 8 a.m. meetings designed de-signed to acquaint tire students with the opportunities and registration regis-tration in each of the schols of tie college. Actual registration begins be-gins at 9:15 a.m., according to an alphabetical schedule that permits per-mits students to withdraw registration registra-tion books at designated hours. On September 26, former students stu-dents will begin enrollment at 7 ajn. with students whose names begin with A and B. Then on successive hours, registration books will be issued to other students. Meanwhile, new students will be attending orientation meetings l planned towards giving them a birds-eye view of USAC the fastest way possible. Friday evening, new students have planned a' campus quadrangle party, while a get-acquainted student stu-dent body dance is scheduled for Saturday evening after former students have completed registrant. registra-nt. New courses for the school year are scheduled In political science, history, industrial arts, languages, radio, aviation and engineering and military offciials have announced an-nounced plans for a Bachelor of Science degree course in military science. Students can still complete com-plete courses for a commission along with their other academic work. There are indications that there will be a much larger army than ever before after the war, and the college leaders recognized this importance by making a major ma-jor in this field possible. |