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Show Scallops for Your Cupboards, Windows CCALLOPS are in fashion. Big scallops, little scallops, pointed -A or round scallops; deep or shallow, convex or concave; also cut-out curves and scrolls they are used for cornices over windows in bedroom, bed-room, bath, kitchen, dining room, dinette and living room. They are composition! I 4i ; BOARD'USE H f , 1 ' , COPIMSSflWll YD .i OR TAKE TO prtfaRNPiicE!25,23 I TO BE COMBINED AS NEEDEpTrV frgJ j used also to frame or to partly' trame cupboards of many different types ranging from gay kitchen cupboards to a dignified break- Eront for the living room. 1 You can have all the scallops you want even in these times. they may be cut out of any thiA' wood or, if that is not . available, composition board may be used.1 It is easy to cut simple scallop! lesigns by hand with a coping saw. ! 1 NOTE: Mrs. Spears has made a pat-; lern with 10 basic scallop and scroll de-i ligns with illustrated directions for com-; jining them in many different ways fori windows and cupboards of all sizes. Other! luggestions for using scallops for home flecoration are also included. Ask for pattern No. 207 and enclose 15 cents. Address: . MRS. RTJTH.WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York Drawer 10 Enclose 15 cents for Pattern No. 207. Name Address a i SNAPPY FACTS ABOUT I JE? rubber Navigation Is Impossible even for a canoe on some of the tiny branches in the Amazon headwaters In the remote Bolivia rubber country. Air ' transport is now serving In the rubber rub-ber development In these areas. Tappers cut their way through the Jungle, with from TOO to 150 wild rubber trees serving; as each tapper's tap-per's route. Tire experts hold that greater mileages are returned from truck tires if when they are new, they are "broken in" for several thousand miles under normal or sub-normal conditions. Using new tires on front wheels before shifting them to the rear is one way of "seasoning" tires. BEGoodrich i OIAPEF Soothe, cool, relieve 1 M M I I diaper rash often pr- l II U vent it with Mexsana, I 11 II the astringent medicated 1 1 f U 1 1 powder. Get Mezsana. PLANT FERRY'S SEEDS When you garden for abundant food, plant Ferry's Seeds. Many outstanding outstand-ing vegetable varietiea are on display at your local Ferry's dealer. FERRY-MORSE SEED CO. DETROIT SAN FRANCISCO DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP When bowels are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy, do as millions do chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing-gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed, taking only in accordance with package directions sleep without being disturbed. dis-turbed. Next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy j and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINT 1o |