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Show College Students Honored at Annual Awards Assembly C ALDER M. PICKETT i ! .--- , i I, i ; l : i, :; i s I . I WINIFRED AMACHER s Calder M. Pickett, Preston, Idaho, Ida-ho, and Winifred Amacher, Logan, Lo-gan, were awarded the coveted Utah State Agricultural college citizenship awards at the annual awards and honors assembly conducted con-ducted Wednesday in the college auditorium. Dr. E. G. Peterson, president of USAC made the presentations.. Mr. Pickett, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pickett, has been active throughout his college career in publications work and is editor ' of Student Life, campus newspaper newspa-per this year. He is a member of Blue Key, honorary service fraternity; fra-ternity; Alpha Sigma Nu, senior honorary society and Sigma Alpha Al-pha Epsilon. He served for three years as member of the Buzzer staff and was publicity chairman of the Junior prom committee last year. Miss Amacher, daughter of Mrs. Adolph Amacher, of Logan, has served during the past year as president and three years as an officer of the Associated Women students organization. She is past president of Lambda Delta Sigma, Sig-ma, religious organization and also is a member of "Alpha Sigma Nu. Both citizenship award winners win-ners were chosen as class personalities person-alities and will be featured in the college year book, The Buzzer. Winners of scholarship "A's", given to students having straight A grades for three consecutive quarters, were: Jayne Beutler, North Logan; Calvin Clyde, Spring ville; Vere H. Johnson, Beaver Dam; Mary Louise Hale Rector, and Alice Noreen Tinger, Logan. Johansen scholarships were awarded to Betty Adney, Corinne; Thirza Little, Cedar city; Merle Mecham and Beth Swenson, Logan, Lo-gan, and Elva Oldroyd, Venice. Presentation of the scholarship "A's" and the Johansen awards were made by George D." Clyde, dean of the school of engineering, engineer-ing, industries and trades. Rush C. Budge, representive of the class of '27, presented the class of 1927 scholarship to Sherma Stanfill of Garland. Awards to the outstanding students in home economics eco-nomics were given to Helen Wads-worth Wads-worth and Genevieve May of Ogden by Mrs. Almeda P. Brown acting dean of the school of home economics. Dr. Chester J. Myers presesnted the following speech awards: The Myers Speech and Dramatics award to Mary Maughan of Logan The Sons of the American Revolution Revolu-tion award to David Katz; and Peace speech awards to Dorthy Myers of Logan, first, and Easton Sampson of Delta. Other awards included presentation present-ation of the Chi Omega fraternity scholarship to Dorothy Myers of Logan by Afton Hall of Logan president of the group; soroptimist award in appreciation of the outstanding out-standing secvice in music to Lucille Roylance of Smithfield by Mrs. Ora J. Lewis; Theta Chi award to top ranking girl in secretarial sec-retarial science to Merle Meach-am Meach-am of Logan by Mona Wilson ol Roosevelt. Phi Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic schol-astic fraternity, ribbons were presented pre-sented to 11 senior students by Dr. Preston Thomas; president ol the local chapter. Students receiving re-ceiving the ribbons were Marlowe Wood of Ogden, Mary Louise Hale Rector, Don Leslie Bowen ol Logan; Mary Leone Haight and Dorothy Bradshaw of Cedar city; K. Joy Nelson of Salt Lake city; Louise Pugmire Keetch of St. Charles, Idaho; James Edwin Dall-ley Dall-ley of Kanab, Helen Irene Wads-worth Wads-worth of Ogden, Anna Marie Theurer of Tremonton and Mary Page of Payson. Supplementing the presentation of awards was a- preliminary statement by Dr. Joel E. Ricks, chairman of the honors and awards committee, who presided at the assembly; a vocal trio by Betty Corry, Thirze Little, and Mary Leone Haight of Cedar city, accompanied ac-companied by Lucille Roylance- ol Smithfield; invocation by Dr. Daryl Chase and benediction by Reverend Miner E. Bruner. i Members of the awards and honors hon-ors committee are Dr. Poseph A. Geddes, Dr. Chester J. Myers, Dr. L. A. Stoddart, Dr. Cleve Mil-ligan Mil-ligan and Professors . W. Christiansen, Chris-tiansen, Aaron F. Bracken, H. B. Hunsaker and Esther L. Skeels. |