Show hie YEW PENCIL ac RED WD SAAM ay I 1 CO A dependable D e p e deable goods it always pays to buy relli reli iAlo b 10 merchandise Lile take for m mi i tip top and turkey red flour always uniform and al wy dependable you might buy cheaper but t you can not riot buy better dont try a different brand every week hay kay oats corn wheat bran at reasonable prices in any ally qunti quantity ty remember the RELIABLE SERVICE PD commission CO I 1 EVERYONE KNOWS THE HIGH QUALITY xiv TWO MOST FA FAMOUS FUELS 4 01 i V 1 I jaw castle gate and 4 4 1 0 clear C creek reek coals coal s A V q t 4 P s more than 29 years yean of unexcelled service has bag pro yen their great gnat econ omy and high quality for every aVery fuel use r 1 I 3 they are famous for their high heat buim ash ashl cleanliness P and free burning ww A I fuel satisha action when 1 you buy absolute absolu tO it 1 l I 1 ri it v select castle gate and clear creek 7 you av c A i N p r a r il til 4 wf astr your DEALER AH FUEL GO A 64 t a 40 I 1 creek coals cinexi and Shipper of ac ato and clear 4 44 1 1 LET US TELL YOU a few tact about our welding it if you arant to save SAVO ex bensho Ichi or parts we advise you to let us examine them and bid on same wo can probably save you bontly and time conr welding seals real the broken or cracked parts X together perfectly perfect IV and will stand up under tinder hard wear W a a OFF WELDING CO price r I 1 wt isn t that a pretty dish it fit fief q in with any set of it combination 0 of f dished t and it is ni raido ide just fa for tho purpose jor which you willit to use ilse it g H proper dishes pra it necessity they ald lid much i V 1 0 to ohp attract iven of th the 0 table tind I 1 havo i av 0 a IL 4 good effect on tho the appetite 1 01 f I 1 I 1 i i 1 it 41 o 0 wi alu ill find r real e al t satisfaction in supplying P yourself arith a I few alio 11 pieces of china or t glassware re froni from our big stocks t t t ak I 1 i wasatch store co 0 impaction always invited CASTLE GATE WINTER WIRTZ A AND CREEK for goodness goo U J nees sake ea 47 e BE particular ABOUT YOUR LOUR ILOUR I A poor batch of bread or pastry ia is expensive and even if it can be eaten it rivca little satisfaction good bread is the most nourishing thing on the daily me u wa it is essy to bake it i you havo have the lne right kind of flour and aro are careful about your oven let ua us tell o 0 why our abour i the best beat yan can buy t i t carbon emery mery stores co mohrland mercantile co STORES AT HIAWATHA BLACE HAWK MOHRLAND AND HEINER J united un tej states fuel t company SUITES AT 1 0 SLACK CX HAWS A ZA A waa 2 am A AND THE FAMOUS 4 i G i i LACK buric HAWK ak HIAWATHA AM gin COALS IN BY CU I 1 STEVENSON CO 1 liht vi u 44 |