Show thirteenth la IMPORTANT DATE IN U S HISTORY vast tt fiday w a ery try da do b bt V wa via the thirteenth of the month t c all alli forth a vait vast fund ot of in fration regarding the number thir ten te n ta LA the history of 0 the t united T n 1 t ed 8 battea t e 3 4 to begin with the cirit f 1 r 3 t english E n 1 s h BL in america Ai et at jamestown was wa inide made in 1607 and thirteen thir teea year years lter latero pr or in 1820 1620 the pilgrim pilgrims landed at plymouth rock it if the quare square ot of thir teen Is added to the date 1607 the remit mit it Is 1770 or tho the ato ate of the decler alien of the lame same is in true it t the h a p duct of thirteen and twel twelve v a Is I 1 adad to the date 1620 by adding thirteen to 1776 1789 ap the date data of the adoption of the constitution is obtained it if 1793 tho the date upon w which ih great 13 britain ritala the In depend ence of tr ti united state states I 1 Is increased by the th product of six ix and thirteen the th result gives 1861 in which year abir ten teen states st efred ded from the union swe people believe that the eur tur rent tent quarter dollar dollars ar aask luckier than that the half hall dollar dollars for the tb quart cuartor lu artor a t b cars eight of thirteen IP i while the halt half POU but even seven T those 1 io s a u upon p 0 a th the 0 half aret the thirteen eVIL I 1 leavea e g v e s ii ll t the bo 0 olive lt re tho the thirteen arrows in lit the asle clar the tak thir teen feathers in ila aeh each of its wings the thirteen feathe s in ite its tail tall the t thir hir taen tara stare in the tho hield it bears tae t he thirteen stripes in the tho shield and bull the thit letten letters in the words IF R pill alari r bus unum the quarter bean bears all t the he above named ons and aud alio hai has thit thirteen teen letten letters la Is the word alq quarter batter dollar if rf cne one looka looks carefully it will wl be found ahat hat there are also even om bina tons of thirteen upon the national leal sell |