Show IRRIGATE WITH JUICE the utah power light company bai bat announced Us delre desire to submit an estimate on furnishing power for pumping water onto the elgin aride says oar out often hirer river COM d it is ila ilin I 1 berely hoped that this company can blui a market here for its power and tl bat at local people will do their beet best to get the utah light ft power here the company Is i one that can be relied ortland orti and 1 tan tart start furnishing electricity in a very short lime the company om already hae has its transmission lines line to columbia the bew new coal camp of the columbia steel corporation and it line from there to greta green river could be b in a shott tinie time to 0 o that water would be available lable for crom next spring liciano ciares strange bat but a a al lesman doeing te t e |